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Martín Chozas de Verdes Montenegro, Justa's card file

Personal details

Personal details
Surname(s) and first name Martín Chozas de Verdes Montenegro, Justa
Date of birth 1876-8-8 (Aproximada)
Place of birth Toledo (España)
Nationality España
Sex Mujer
Age 63
Occupations Ama de casa
Exiled SI
Last residence México (Distrito Federal, México)

Information on the Country of Arrival

Information on the Country of Arrival
Type of place of arrival Puerto
Place of arrival Veracruz (México)
Date of arrival 1939-6-13

Information about the journey

Information about the journey
Means of transport Buque
Name of means of transport Sinaia

Archival data

Information on the Country of Arrival
Repository code ES.28005.AGA
Signature of the digital object AGA,RIEM,272,007
Archive group Secretaría de Gobernación de México
Series Registro Nacional de Extranjeros en México (copia digital)
Title Ficha personal de Justa Martín Chozas de Verdes Montenegro
Creator México. Secretaría de Gobernación. Departamento de Migración
Start date 1939-6-13
End date 1939-6-15
Volume 3 / Imagen(es) Digital(es)
Existence and location of originals Archivo General de la Nación de México