Person - Baeza, Gonzalo de (tesorero real)

Baeza, Gonzalo de (tesorero real)




Preferred form:

Baeza, Gonzalo de (tesorero real)Other forms

Fechas de existencia:

desconocida - desconocida


"Maestresala"* and treasurer of Queen Elizabeth I of Castile. "Notario mayor"** of the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon. Treasurer of the Prince and Princess of Asturias. Councilor of Valladolid.

*Servant that laid the table of a lord and tasted the food to ensure it was not poisoned.

**Title that the Ministry of Justice received as an ex officio member.


cuentas del tesorero Gonzalo de Baeza

el reinado de Isabel la Católica según las

FRANCISCO DE OLMOS, José María de. La evolución de los cambios monetarios en

(1477-1504). En la España Medieval, 21: 115-142, 1998.

Related Authorities

Isabel I (1451-1504, reina de Castilla)  ( Es miembro del gobierno de )

Associative relations :


Producer of:

  • No Units of Description associated.