Person - Antel, Franz (1913-2007)

Antel, Franz (1913-2007)




Preferred form:

Antel, Franz (1913-2007)Other forms

Fechas de existencia:

Vienna  1913-06-28 - Vienna  2007-08-12


Franz Antel was an Austrian and German film director, producer and author.

He went to the Filmacademy Vienna in 1931 and had his first approach to cinema. He worked as production manager in Berlin in 1935. He combined during several years the army with the movies, and particpated in the Second World War, where he was captured and later liberated. His first movie was "Das Singende Haus" (1949) and continued making erotic, historic or propaganda movies. Some of them are "Ruf der Wälder" (1965) or the popular "Bockerer", which has four parts (1981, 1996, 2000, 2003) based on the Second World War story, ocupation, Hungarian revolution and Praga Spring. He had some probelms with justice becasue he was accused by some newspapers of Nazism and anti-semitism.

He died the 12th August 2007 at the age of 94.

World War, 1939-1945

Date of the event: 1939 - 1945

Location associated with the date: Europa



Lugar de Nacimiento:

Vienna in 1913-06-28

Lugar de Defunción:

Vienna in 2007-08-12

External Links

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Catálogo de Autoridades:


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Fichero de Autoridades:

Biblioteca Nacional de España


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