Castrovido Gil, Pilar (1909-?)
Madrid (España) 1909-07-20 - desconocida
Exiled Spanish civil servant. She was the daughter of the journalist and politician Roberto Castrovido Sanz and Pilar Gil. She was a civil servant in the Ministry of Governement from 1933. Once the Spanish Civil War ended, she went into exile to Mexico, just like her parents and her brother Roberto, arriving in Veracruz in 1939 aboard the Ipanema. In Mexico, like her brother Roberto, she workerd for the delegation in Mexico of JARE (Board of Assistance to Spanish Republicans).
Date of the event: 1936 - 1939
Description: medio de transporte:
Date of the event: 1939-06-01
Location associated with the date:
Portal de Movimientos Migratorios Iberoamericanos - Micrositio de PARES