Palencia Oyarzábal, María Isabel (1914-?)Other forms
Madrid (España) 1914-12-08 - desconocida
Spanish teacher. Daughter of Ceferino Palencia Alvarez-Tubau and Isabel Oyarzabal Smith. Sister of Ceferino. She married to the physician Germán Somolinos. The couple exiled in Mexico after the Spanish Civil War, along with the family Palencia-Oyarzabal. Isabel and her husband arrived at the port of Veracruz on 18 June 1939, on board of the Mexico ship.
Description: Expedición marítima que sale de Francia y llega a Veracruz (México) el 28 de junio de 1939
Date of the event: 1939-06-28
Location associated with the date:
Date of the event: 1936 - 1939
Portal de Movimientos Migratorios Iberoamericanos - Micrositio de PARES