Siegrist Ruiz, Aurora (1914-?)
Barcelona (España) 1914-11-26 - desconocida
Spanish typists. She exiled after the Spanish Civil War, arriving in Mexico, on board of the Sinaia ship, on 13 June 1939. Her inmigrant card states that she was married. She was granted with the SERE (Evacuation Services for Spanish Republicans).
Description: Barco de vapor que zarpó del puerto francés de Sète el 25 de mayo de 1939 y atracó en el puerto mexicano de Veracruz el 13 de junio de 1939.
Date of the event: 1939-05-25 - 1939-06-13
Location associated with the date:
Date of the event: 1939-06-13
Location associated with the date:
Portal de Movimientos Migratorios Iberoamericanos - Micrositio de PARES