Ruiz Saiz, familia
XIX - existente actualmente
This family consists of the married couple Antoliano Ruiz and Filomena Saiz Val, their children Emilia, Luisa, Asunción, Paula, María and Mariano Ruiz Saiz and their descendants. Antoliano Ruiz Arranz was born in Valluercanos (Burgos) in 1870 and Filomena Saiz Val in Revenga de Campos (Palencia) on 28 July 1881. Both were school teachers and taught in schools in Geri (Valladolid) and Barreda (Cantabria). After the Spanish Civil War the widowed Filomena Saiz and her children fled to Mexico. Emilia Ruiz Saiz was born in Revenga de Campos (Palencia) on 14 February 1905 and worked as a secondary school teacher. Asunción Ruiz Saiz was born in Geria (Valladolid) on 22 May 1908 and worked as an assistant clerk in the Civil Administration of the State. Luisa Ruiz Saiz was born in Geria (Valladolid) on 28 August 1906 and worked as a civil servant and a lawyer in the Civil Administration of the State. Paula Ruiz Saiz was born in Santander in January 1916 and worked as a civil servant in the Civil Administration of the State. María Ruiz Saiz was born in Valladolid on 26 April 1912. Mariano Ruiz Saiz was born in Valladolid on 16 March 1910 and worked as a lawyer.