Person - Guridi Alcocer, José Miguel (1763-1828)

Guridi Alcocer, José Miguel (1763-1828)




Preferred form:

Guridi Alcocer, José Miguel (1763-1828)Other forms

Fechas de existencia:

Tlaxcala (México)  1763-12-26 - Ciudad de México (México)  1828-11-04


He was a Hispanic-Mexican priest, politician, theologian and government representative. His education began at the Academia Palafoxiana; he later received a doctorate in Theology and Biblical Canons at the Pontificial University of Mexico. He was part of the Cádiz Cortes (Parliament), of which he became president. He was elected Government Representative of Tlaxcala in 1810 and had an active participation in favor of the American provinces. In addition to advocating for a better representativeness of the Latin Americans in the Cortes, he supported the indigenous peoples and the castes. He considered that it was necessary to provide the American Indians with legal equality and was in favor of an equitable distribution of positions and charges between Latin Americans and the Spaniards from the Iberian Peninsula. He highlighted the peninsular ignorance of the American lifestyle and advocated the creation of Hispanic American ministries as a way to achieve a better government and, above all, to avoid the incipient independence movements. Subsequently, he took part in the Mexican Independence Movement and became the President of the First Constituent Congress of Mexico in 1822.

Cortes de Cádiz, 1810-1813

Date of the event: 1810 - 1813



Profesión (Es realizada por):


Profesión (Es realizada por):



Lugar de Residencia:

Cádiz (España)

Lugar de Nacimiento:

Tlaxcala (México) in 1763-12-26

Lugar de Defunción:

Ciudad de México (México) in 1828-11-04


Diccionario biográfico de parlamentarios españoles. 1, Cortes de Cádiz, 1810-1814 [Madrid]: Cortes Generales, Servicios de Publicaciones. 1 disco (CD-ROM). 978-84-7943-386-4 .

García León, José María. Los diputados doceañistas : una aproximación al estudio de los diputados de las Cortes Generales y Extraordinarias (1810-1813). José Mª García León. [Cádiz]: Ayuntamiento de Cádiz. 2 v. (808 p.). 84-89736-51-0.

Related Authorities

Cortes Generales. Congreso de los Diputados (España)  ( Es empleado en/trabaja en )

Associative relations :

Universidad Pontificia de México  ( Es miembro de )

External Links

Catálogo de Autoridades:


Fichero de Autoridades:

Biblioteca Nacional de España


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