Person - Cárdenas, José Eduardo de (1765-1821)

Cárdenas, José Eduardo de (1765-1821)




Preferred form:

Cárdenas, José Eduardo de (1765-1821)Other forms

Fechas de existencia:

Tabasco (Zacatecas, México)  1765-10-13 - Tabasco (Zacatecas, México)  1821-01-23


He was a presbyter and government representative. He was the son of Roberto Cárdenas Breña and Francisca Romero. It was his uncle, Juan de Amestoy, who paid for his education. After receiving his bachelor's degree in philosophy at the Pontifical University of Mexico, he worked as a professor of logic and metaphysics in the Seminary of the same city. He was ordained a presbyter in 1794 and later obtained a doctorate in Philosophy at the Pontifical University of Guatemala. Since he was elected Government Representative of Tabasco in 1810, he moved to the Iberian Peninsula and defended several of his ideas. He remained in the Peninsula until 1813 and even though he always seemed to be loyal to the Spanish Crown, he also showed his support to a greater municipal autonomy within the Viceroyalty of the New Spain. He also presented a report on the state of tabasco and the possible improvements that could be implemented. He was a fervent defender of education as a means of progress, from which the American Indians should not be excluded.

Cortes de Cádiz, 1810-1813

Date of the event: 1810 - 1813



Lugar de Residencia:

Cunduacán (Tabasco, México)

Lugar de Nacimiento:

Tabasco (Zacatecas, México) in 1765-10-13

Lugar de Defunción:

Tabasco (Zacatecas, México) in 1821-01-23


Diccionario biográfico de parlamentarios españoles. 1, Cortes de Cádiz, 1810-1814 [Madrid]: Cortes Generales, Servicios de Publicaciones. 1 disco (CD-ROM). 978-84-7943-386-4 .

García León, José María. Los diputados doceañistas : una aproximación al estudio de los diputados de las Cortes Generales y Extraordinarias (1810-1813). José Mª García León. [Cádiz]: Ayuntamiento de Cádiz. 2 v. (808 p.). 84-89736-51-0.

Related Authorities

Universidad de San Carlos (Guatemala)  ( Es miembro de )

Associative relations :

Universidad Pontificia de México  ( Es miembro de )

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Biblioteca Nacional de España


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