Person - López de la Plata, José Antonio (ca.1780-ca.1829)

López de la Plata, José Antonio (ca.1780-ca.1829)




Preferred form:

López de la Plata, José Antonio (ca.1780-ca.1829)

Fechas de existencia:

1780 - 1829


He was a lawyer and a government representative. He graduated in law from the University Of San Carlos De Guatemala. He was elected Government Representative of the province of Nicaragua in 1810, replacing Juan Francisco Vílchez, who had resigned. He was re-elected as alternate representative in 1813. Among his parliamentary activities, it is worth mentioning his request for the creation of a general captaincy in Nicaragua, as well as a university in León. This last purpose would not become a reality until 1816, due to the lack of funds to undertake it. He was also in favor of increasing the Latin American representation. Together with Representative Florencio del Castillo, in 1812 he managed to create the Province of Nicaragua and Costa Rica.

Cortes de Cádiz, 1810-1813

Date of the event: 1810 - 1813

Cortes ordinarias, 1813-1814

Date of the event: 1813 - 1814



Lugar de Residencia:

Cádiz (España)


Diccionario biográfico de parlamentarios españoles. 1, Cortes de Cádiz, 1810-1814 [Madrid]: Cortes Generales, Servicios de Publicaciones. 1 disco (CD-ROM). 978-84-7943-386-4 .

García León, José María. Los diputados doceañistas : una aproximación al estudio de los diputados de las Cortes Generales y Extraordinarias (1810-1813). José Mª García León. [Cádiz]: Ayuntamiento de Cádiz. 2 v. (808 p.). 84-89736-51-0.

Related Authorities

Castillo, Florencio del (1778-1834)  ( Colabora con )

Associative relations :

Universidad de San Carlos (Guatemala)  ( Es miembro de )

External Links


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