Person - Bastardas Parera, Joan (1919-2009)

Bastardas Parera, Joan (1919-2009)




Preferred form:

Bastardas Parera, Joan (1919-2009)

Fechas de existencia:

Barcelona (España)  1919-02-04 - Barcelona (España)  2009-01-31


Spanish latinist. Professor at the University of Barcelona. He was the son of Alberto Bastardas Sampere, mayor of Barcelona and Dolores Parera Bisbal, heiress of Destilerías Parera. He studied Classical Philology at the University of Barcelona and was a student of Bassols de Climent. After finishing the degree, he combined research and teaching at the Escuela Pare Coll de Vic, where he was the teacher of the author María Ángeles Anglada. In the early 1950s, he was a teaching assistant of Bassols and, in 1967, achieved the position of adjunct professor. In 1976 he became a professor of Latin Philology and extended his teaching life as professor emeritus in 1987.

He was the chief editor of "Glossarium Mediae Latinitatis Cataloniae," a glossary project of medieval Latin Catalonian sources carried out by Milà i Fontanals Institution of CSIC, the University of Barcelona, and the IEC (Institud d'Estudis Catalans). He was the President of IEC and of the Reial Academia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona. He received the Cruz of Sant Jordi in 1991.


Investigó en el Archivo de la Corona de Aragón sobre el tema: Filología latina medieval entre los años 1958-1959.


Lugar de Nacimiento:

Barcelona (España) in 1919-02-04

Lugar de Defunción:

Barcelona (España) in 2009-01-31






Related Authorities

Archivo de la Corona de Aragón (Barcelona, España)  ( Es usuario de )

Associative relations :

Universidad de Barcelona (España)  ( Es empleado en/trabaja en )

Family relationships :

Bastardas Sampere, Alberto (1871-1944)  - Descendant (Es hijo/a de)

See ancestors


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  • No Units of Description associated.