Corporate Body
Cartuja de Santa María de las Cuevas de Sevilla (España)Other forms
from 1400 to 1835
The Charterhouse of Nuestra Señora de las Cuevas was founded by Gonzalo de Mena, who was the archbishop of Seville in 1400. It was located on the banks of the river Guadalquivir, in the so called Island of the Charterhouse. The Adelantado Mayor of Andalusia, Per Afán de Ribera, defrayed the building's construction, finished in the 15th century. It was remodeled several times along its existence. The monks were mainly dedicated to the prayer, the fasting and the silence. Over time, the monastery prospered so much that it was capable of founding the Charterhouse of la Concepción de Cazalla de la Sierra together with its own goods. Cristopher Columbus lived there. He used the monastery's library and received the support of the Brother Gaspar Gorricio to travel to America. Later, Columbus was buried in the monastery for several years. Lisbon's earthquake in 1755 caused damages in the building. During the War of Independence (1808-1814), the monks had to abandon the monastery, which was used as headquarters by the French troops until 1812. During the Liberal Triennium (1820-1823), the monks had to abandon it again due to the Law about monasteries and convents issued on the 25th of October 1820. The monastery was abolished for good by the governing board of Seville in September 1835, after the publication of the Royal Decree of the 25th of July that suppressed monasteries and convents with less than 12 practicants. The secularization was confirmed by the Royal Decree issued on the 11th of October, abolishing the monasteries.
Ley sobre monasterios y conventos de 25 de octubre de 1820. Gazeta del Gobierno núm. 123, de 29 de octubre de 1820, página 544.
Real Decreto de 25 de julio de 1835 suprimiendo los monasterios y conventos de religiosos que no tengan 12 individuos profesos, de los cuales las dos terceras partes a lo menos sean de coro. Gaceta de Madrid núm. 211, de 29 de julio de 1835, páginas 841 a 842.
Real Decreto de 11 de octubre de 1835 suprimiendo los monacales. Gaceta de Madrid núm. 292, de 14 de octubre de 1835, página 1157.
DNB: tp://
Revuelta González, Manuel: La Exclaustración (1833-1840).- Madrid, EDICA, 1976.
PARES: Código de referencia: ES.28079.AHN/