Corporate Body
Gobierno Civil de Valencia (España)Other forms
from 1812 to 1997-04-14
The origin of the Civil Governments dates back to the 1812 Constitution of Cádiz, whereby it was provided that the provincial political government be reliant upon a head chief appointed by the King. The Provincial Laws of 1870 and 1882, the Provincial Statute of 20 March 1925 and the Local Government Act of 24 June 1955 laid down and implemented their functions and powers. Nevertheless, the ministerial Decree of 10 October 1958 equipped the Civil Governments with their own statute, and established that the Civil Governor was the permanent representative and delegate of the Government in the province. Regarded as the highest provincial authority, he was entrusted the guardianship and inspection of the corporations, institutions and public associations, as well as the audit, orientation and impetus of all services, in compliance with the directives provided by the respective Ministries. By provisional regulation issued on 24 July 1961, the Civil Governments were subjected to the Ministry of the Interior and, therefore, assigned some of the specific competencies of the said Ministry.
El fondo documental del Gobierno Civil de Valencia se encuentra repartido en diferentes archivos: Archivo de la Diputación provincial de Valencia, Archivo General de la Administración de Alcalá de Henares y el Archivo de la Delegación del Gobierno en la Comunidad Valenciana.
-Ley 6/1997 de 14 de Abril de Organización y Funcionamiento de la Administración General del Estado: Desaparición de los Gobiernos civiles y su sustitución por las Subdelegaciones del Gobierno.
Código de Referencia de PARES: ES.28005.AGA/