Corporate Body
Liga de Mutilados, Inválidos y Viudas de la Guerra de España (1936-1939) en FranciaOther forms
from 1937-05-11 to 1997
The League is an association which brings together the mutilated and the disabled persons of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), especially the individuals from the republican zone. It springs up at the first assembly gathered in Madrid on the 11th May 1937, and the First Congress of the "League of the Mutilated and the Disabled by War", which was held in Valencia between the 5th and the 8th August, 1938. In view of the triumph of the Francoism in 1939, several mutilated and widows fled to France, and the Executive Commission of the League relocated to Paris, in order to proceed with its activities. Although there were failed attempts to gather together and protect the rights of the mutilated republicans since 1967, the League was not legalized in Spain until 1977. In 1940, upon the Nazi occupation of the French territories, the League and other similar organizations were outlawed, and their activities were interrupted. Following the liberation of France from German occupation, the League was able to resume its activities by celebrating in Toulouse the former Congress or Plenary Session, which appointed a commission for the direction of the reorganization. The president of such committee was Dalmau. The first statutes were drafted, checked and approved by the Congress in 1947. The first organization's Act, which remains from this moment, features the members of the Committee: Ribas, Suárez, Puente, Navales, Trabal and Ciutat. Thirty departmental delegations attended the Congress on behalf of circa 3000 members. The approval of the statutes in 1948 established in Article 1 the main functions of the League: a) Economic, physical and social rehabilitation B) Moral and intellectual growth based on study and work. The League was finally legalized by the French authorities on the 2nd March, 1949. Several congresses held in 1955, 1958, 1966 and 1976 did not introduce any statutory reforms and appointed almost the same members of the National Committee. In the Reconstituting Congress held in Bordeaux in January 1979, there was a vote to rename the organization as the "League of the Mutilated and Disabled of the Spanish War 1936/1939 in France" and the new statutes were approved. Their main aim is to bring together the disabled people and the war widows based in France, as well as to defend under any circumstance the moral and material rights of its members and the people that direct the political destination of Spain. The Congress held in Toulouse in 1986 approves the new statutes. The League was renamed as the "League of the Mutilated and Disabled of the Spanish War 1936/1939 in France". The League's functions underwent a substantial shift since its origins until present day. In its early years, the League was devoted to solving the immediate problems faced by the mutilated and disabled people-in-exile. It aimed to incorporate the mutilated and the disabled into France's everyday life. For this very purpose, the most needed members received fixed subsidies between 1949 and 1977, and the League provided them with work, loans and special donations, medical and sanitary care (acquisition of prosthesis and orthopedic appliances), and helped with administrative formalities, such as the drafting of official and private documents. Upon Francisco Franco's death, the respective rights of the mutilated and disabled of the Army of the Republican right-wing were gradually acknowledged. Since that moment, the League will focus its efforts on bringing such rights to life, and it will be in charge of granting administrative assistance and giving the all necessary advice on how to file a pension demand. In its early days, the finances of the League were mainly based on donations by national and international volunteer organizations. Other funds were supplied by the members. During the last years, the League's revenues increased with the Government's subventions to the Spanish organizations abroad.
La ubicación del archivo de la Liga cambió varias veces de lugar al igual que su sede. En los primeros momentos se ubicó en Toulouse, de 1947 a 1958 estuvo en París, de 1958 a 1979 en Burdeos y de 1979 en adelante el Toulouse, en la Rue de las Falguiere, 2.
A partir de 1986 la Liga se plantea su disolución, al considerar que se han cumplido sus objetivos y establece relaciones con la Sección Guerra Civil del Archivo Histórico Nacional (Salamanca), adonde deciden enviar los fondos. Esta circunstancia queda reflejada en las conclusiones de los estatutos de 1986: 'Artículo 1'. Si la Liga tuviera un día que desaparecer, el Congreso faculta al Comité Nacional que entonces estuviera en funciones, para negociar con los Servicios Documentales del Ministerio de Cultura en Salamanca la entrega de los archivos de nuestra asociación, para que puedan ser utilizados por quienes deseen historiar o clarificar lo que fue y representó la Liga de Mutilados durante el largo exilio que vivió en Francia.
Actualmente, el archivo de la Liga se encuentra depositado en el Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica (Salamanca) adónde llegó por donación.
La documentación de la Liga permite conocer las actividades de la asociación y estudiar al colectivo de mutilados e inválidos en Francia. Además ofrece información sobre las personas que les ayudaron todos estos años, entre las que se encuentran personajes como Pau Casals, Pablo Picasso o Joan Miró.
Entre las series documentales destacan los Expedientes personales que cuentan con interesante información sobre la situación de los mutilados e inválidos desde el punto de vista médico, económico y social. Es muy importante la serie de correspondencia, ya que refleja las relaciones de la Liga con otras personas e instituciones. Hay que destacar también otras series: Actas de Congresos, Informes, Circulares y Listas de Afiliados.
Código Referencia: ES.37274.CDMH/3.45//
Código Referencia: ES.37274.CDMH/3.46//