Cea-Bermúdez Buzo, Francisco de (1779-1850)Other forms
Málaga (España) 1779-10-28 - Paris 1850-07-06
Francisco de Paula de Cea Bermúdez y Buzo (Málaga, Spain, October 28, 1779 ? Paris, July 6, 1850). He was a Spanish diplomat and politician. He also was a member of the family of Málaga of high level trade and studied with the Jesuits in Liège (Belgium). His political career began in 1810 when the Spanish Regency sent him to Saint Petersburg. In February 1811, he left Saint Petersburg and went to London to inform that Alejandro I de Rusia (1777- 1825) was separated from Napoleón I Bonaparte (1769-1821), and from there he went to Cadiz. On June 29, 1811, he went back to Russia to negotiate a defensive and offensive alliance with the Tzar. On April 1812, he returned to London because of the incidences of his Russian Alliance negotiations. There, he signed the Treaty of Veliki-Luki (July 20, 1812). Thanks to Cea, Russia recognized the Spanish Constitution. On September 10, 1812 he was appointed Consul General. In May 1816, he participated in the admission of Spain in the Holy Alliance and on December 26 of that year, he was appointed Ambassador in Russia. On June 6, 1821 he was transferred with the same category to Constantinople and in 1824 to London. On June 11, 1824 he was appointed Chairman of the Council of Ministers who practiced this position until October 24, 1825. From 1825 to 1828, he lived in Dresden (Germany) as Minister of Spain. On July 9, 1828, he was appointed Ambassador in London until 1832. After the events of La Granja, he was called to power on October 1832 and confirmed the position after the death of Ferdinand VII (September 1833). His system of Government failed in the attempt to find a central alternative in the struggle between liberal and realist, despite the Amnesty Decree of October 1833 and the administrative reforms (provincial division and creation of the Ministry of Public Works). He sought to reconcile with the maintenance of Royal Absolutism. His position was weakened with the outbreak of the Carlist War and the pressures of France and England, along with the Liberals, that caused his dismissal in January 1834. Afterwards, he was member of the Government of Cleonard who briefly replaced Narváez (1800-1868) on October of 1849.
Date of the event: 1810 - 1813
Diccionario biográfico de la Real Academia de la Historia (RAH)