Spanish Archives - Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport

Person - Boix Raspall, José María (1887-1973)

Boix Raspall, José María (1887-1973)




Preferred form:

Boix Raspall, José María (1887-1973)Alternative forms (other languages) Other forms

Fechas de existencia:

Barcelona (España)  1887-03-01 - Barcelona (España)  1973-04-01


Spanish Law professor. He was the son of Antonio Boix Lines and Teresa Raspall Valls. He was married to María Selva Alegre and they were the parents of Josep María (1919-2000), well known poet, and Maur (1919-2000), prior of the monastery of Montserrat and director of the magazine Serra d’Or.

His academic training began in 1903 when he studied the baccalaureate at the High School of Barcelona. Later on he was awarded a degree on Law at the University of Barcelona and a doctorate at the Universidad Central in Madrid.

His academic career started in 1912 when he was designated assistant lecturer in the Faculty of Law at the University of Barcelona and, some time later, he took office of the Chair of Commercial Law. In addition, he carried out activities of vice secretary, dean and rector of that university.

He was sanctioned by taking him away his Chair (Official gazette, BOE, dated on 8th of April of 1941) due to his sentence of 12 years of ordinary imprisonment for helping the rebellion and for being in charge of the bank Caixa de Pensions. He wasn’t given his chair back until 1952.

He also held the following positions:

Editor at the Revista Social Hispano-Americana and the magazine El Social.


Secretary of the Employment Office for the Popular Social Action.

Chair at the Directive Board from the Catalan Agricultural Institute of San Isidro.

General Director of the Caja de Pensiones para la Vejez y de Ahorro [pensions and social insurances] in Barcelona (Caixa de Pensions).

Lecturer of social insurances at the Social School of Barcelona.

Vice president of the Maritime Committee of Barcelona.

Scholar of the Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation in Barcelona


Profesión (Es realizada por):

Catedráticos de Derecho in  Barcelona (España) in 1920-03-07


Rectores universitarios in  Barcelona (España) in 1935

Profesión (Es realizada por):

Redactores in 1909

Profesión (Es realizada por):



Lugar de Nacimiento:

Barcelona (España) in 1887-03-01

Lugar de Defunción:

Barcelona (España) in 1973-04-01

Related Authorities

Patronato de Previsión Social de Cataluña y Baleares (España)  ( Es miembro de )

Associative relations :

Universidad de Barcelona (España)  ( Es empleado en/trabaja en )


Producer of:

  • No Units of Description associated.

Related documents:

  • Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica  (1)