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Logo de Archivo General de Indias

List of people assigned to mining in New Spain and the Kingdom of Santa Fe including their families and servants.

Archivo General de Indias

Identity statement area

Supplied Title:

List of people assigned to mining in New Spain and the Kingdom of Santa Fe including their families and servants.

Reference number:


Date of formation:

1788-05-06  -  1788-06-23

Level of description:

Unidad Documental Compuesta_en

Reference code:


Location in the archive classification scheme:

Archivo General de Indias     Casa de la Contratación.     Pasajeros a Indias     Informaciones y licencias de Pasajeros a Indias     Informaciones y licencias de pasajeros a Indias


Biography / Administrative history:

The "Casa de Contratación" of the Indies was the first administrative organism created after de Discovery of the new world by the ordinances of the 20th of January 1503. It had its headsquarters in the Royal Alcázar of Seville where it stayed until it was transferred to Cádiz in1717 until its extinction by the decree ot 1790.

In the beginning, the Casa de la Contratacion was no more than an intermediate and administrative authority of the Indian trade and the rigging and dispatch of the fleets. It was born as a factory, as a privileged market and exclusive deposit of merchandise that came and went from America and as administration of the income that the king obtained for this reason.

From the beginning, the Casa was commissioned to organize the expeditions to America and for this it had to be attributed multiple faculties and a great authority, passing to second term its commercial faculties.

Name of the creator(s):

Casa de la Contratación de las Indias (España)

Content and Structure

Scope and Content:

Destinados a Nueva España:

- Fausto de Elhuyar, director del Real cuerpo de minas de México, con su mujer, Juana de Raab, y sus criados: Magdalena Kummer, Rosalía, negra libre y Johann Knisrch
- Frederick Sonnenschmidt, con su criado, Johann Eisfeld
- Franz Fischer, con su criado, Josef Franke
- Ludwig Lindner
- Carlos Gottlob Weinhold
- Johann Gottfried Vogel
- Hans Samuel Schroeder
- Hans Cristof Schroeder
- Hans Samuel Suhr
- Karl Gottfried Weinhold
- Johann Gottfried Adler

Destinados al Reino de Santa Fe:

- Emanuel Gottlieb Dietrich
- Christian Friedrich Klem
- Jacob Benjamin Wiesner
- Johann Abraham Baer
- Johann Burckard
- Johann Samuel Borman
- Friedrich Ningritz.
En los reinados de Carlos III y Carlos IV se emprenden medidas para mejorar la minería americana. Para ello se envían comisionados al extranjero para estudiar la tecnología minera. Finalmente se envían misiones para implantar los métodos de amalgama centroeuropeos en la minería de Nueva España, Nueva Granada y Perú.

Conditions of Access and Use

Description Indices:

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Medium/Archival Material:

Digitized contains digitized images

Extent and medium

5 Hoja(s) on Papel_en .  Size  Folio_en.