Spanish Archives - Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport
Logo de Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica

¡Una división de carabineros!

Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica

Identity statement area

Formal Title:

¡Una división de carabineros!

Reference number:


Date of creation:

Approximate 1936

Notes on the initial date of creation :

Comprendida entre 1936-1939

Level of description:

Unidad Documental Simple_en

Reference code:


Location in the archive classification scheme:

Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica     3. COLECCIONES     Armero, José Mario     HOJAS DE PROPAGANDA


Name of the creator(s):

Armero, José Mario (1927-1995)

Content and Structure

Scope and Content:

Propaganda antifascista editada porl la Juventud Socialista Unificada e impreso por Imprenta Aldus Consejo Obrero de Madrid.

Conditions of Access and Use

Description Indices:
State of conservation:


Extent and medium

1 Documento(s) on Papel_en .