Correspondencia del gobernador de Luisiana Bernardo de Gálvez
1778 - 1786
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Archivo General de Indias
Papeles de Cuba
Correspondencia del gobernador de Luisiana y Florida Occidental, Bernardo de Gálvez.
Legajo 2. 1780-1786. Correspondencia del Sr. Gálvez. A, 25 cm., 700 letters. Documents were noted for the years 1780-1783, 1785, and 1786. The legajo is divided into sixteen packages, five for 1780, six for 1781, one for 1782, one for 1783, two for 1785, and one for 1786. Within these packages the letters are not in order. The greater part of the legajo consists of correspondence directed to B. de Gálvez. The legajo consists of the following series of correspondence:
(a) Letters to Bernardo de Gálvez from Aguirre; Miguel de Aldereta, Panzacola; Juan Manuel de Cagigal, captain general of Cuba; Terrato Chacón, Panzacola; Francisco Collell, Galveztown; Francisco Cruzat, San Luis; José de Ezpeleta, Mobila; Fleming; Pedro Girón, Miguel Goicoechea; Enrique Grimarest, Nueva Orleans; Esteban Miró, Nueva Orleans; Diego José Navarro, Habana; Martín Navarro, Nueva Orleans; Martín Palao, Manchak; Pedro Piernas, acting governor, Nueva Orleans; Juan Antonio de Riaño, Baliza; and Juan Ignacio de Urriza, Habana.
b) Letters from Bernardo de Gálvez to Juan Manuel de Cagigal, Francisco Cruzat, Fleming, Pedro Girón, Carlos de Grand Pré, and Ugarte.
(c) Letters to Pedro Piernas from Aguirre, José de Ezpeleta, José Navarro, and Riaño.
(d) Letters of Esteban Miró to Campos y Pineda, Francisco Cruzat, José de Ezpeleta, Bernardo de Gálvez, and Enrique Grimarest.
(e) José de Ezpeleta to Enrique Grimarest and Esteban Miró.
(f) Campos y Pineda to Esteban Miró.
Subjects treated: The main theme of the legajo is the expeditions against Mobila and Panzacola, difficulties encountered, failures, success, and capture, and the establishment of spanish rule in the conquered territory. Girón, J.Navarro, M. Navarro, and Urriza deal with subjects connected with the expeditions; Piernas tells of the affairs of Nueva Orleans and the colony in general and consults regarding the affairs of moment; Cagigal writes of military matters; Ezpeleta treats the problems regarding the establishment of spanish power at Mobila; Miró reports on his mission to Habana and deals with the expedition to Illinois (1783), action of the agents of Georgia at Natchez, the navigation of the Mississippi, and the acadians (1785); Fleming and Ugarte write concerning the recruits; Collell, Cruzat, and Palao give reports especially regarding indian affairs; and Aguirre, Aldereta, Goicoechea, and Riaño deal with naval matters. Special items: List of officers and troops for the expedition of 1780; list of articles necessary for indian gifts at Mobila (1780); lists of vessels and munitions for the expedition of 1781 ; instructions to the treasury officials at Panzacola; and hojas de servicio certified by Bernardo de Gálvez. Listed
Microfilm SRD, ED 143. Consulta directa en sala del AGI. Copia digital a partir del microfilm.