Correspondencia del Gobernador de Luisiana
1792 - 1798
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Archivo General de Indias
Papeles de Cuba
Correspondencia del Gobernador de Luisiana y Florida Occidental, Barón de Carondelet.]
Legajo 21. 1794, [1793, 1795]. Correspondencia del Barón de Carondelet, gobernador de Nueva Orleans, dirigida a las autoridades de varias plazas y fuertes que le estaban subordinadas. B, 30 cm., 700 letters. The months come fairly well in order, but with no divisions. There are few documents for 1793 and 1795. The legajo consists of letters and a few drafts directed by Governor Carondelet to his subordinates, Manuel Andry, Francisco Collell, Luis Deblanc, Juan Delavillebeuvre, Carlos Dehault Delassus, Ignacio Delinó, Guillermo Duparc, Nicolás Forstall, Manuel Gayoso de Lemos, Tomás Portell, Antonio de San Maxent, Zenón Trudeau, Diego de Vegas, and Enrique White. The letters of Gayoso de Lemos and White form the main substance of the legajo. Subjects of importance: 1793, copy of treaty of Aranjuez (may 25), between England and Spain; proclamation of Carondelet against the introduction into Luisiana of jacobin ideas from the Jacobin Society in Filadelfia (sept. 27) ; 1793-1795, instructions for exclusion of french and their detention when trying to enter Luisiana, and list, made by Carondelet, of undesirable french subjects; 1794, french projects fomented in United States against Luisiana (especially correspondence with Gayoso de Lemos for jan.) ; projects of United States along Mississippi, establishment of posts, and expedition against spanish Ilinoa; indian affairs; chicachas, chactas, cherokees, and texas tribes; proclamations of Carondelet; canal in Bayu San Juan, wearing of uniforms on day of publication of peace, and regarding fires; circular letter of Carondelet (french) directed to inhabitants of Luisiana regarding french projects against the colony (feb. 12); and a spanish translation of the acts of the state of Georgia regarding land companies (dec., 1794, and jan., 1795)
Microfilm SRD, ED 143. Consulta directa en sala del AGI. Copia digital a partir del microfilm.