Correspondencia del Comandante de Panzacola
1781 - 1796
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Archivo General de Indias
Papeles de Cuba
Correspondencia del Comandante de Panzacola, Arturo O¿Neill, con varias autoridades.
Legajo 40. 1781-1793. Correspondencia del Sr. O¿Neill. B, 30 cm., 900 documents. The extreme dates of the legajo are june, 1781, and july, 1793. There are many months missing in the period, only the years 1788 and 1792 having documents for all the months. The legajo is badly disorganized. Nearly the whole legajo is composed of letters directed to governor Arturo O¿Neill, Panzacola, from Ignacio Acosta, Mobila; Francisco Bellestre, Tinzas; Luis Bertucat, Apalache; Alfonso Maria de Cárdenas, Habana; Baron de Carondelet (drafts), Nueva Orleans; Francisco Cruzat, Panzacola; José Deville Degoutin, Mobila; Jacobo Dubreuil, Panzacola; Francisco Durán, Panzacola; Vicente Folch, Mobila; José Fuentes, Habana; Miguel Félix de Goicoechea, Panzacola; Enrique Grimarest, Mobila; Francisco Javier Guiral; Domingo Hernani, Habana; Manuel Lanzós, Mobila; Esteban Miró, Nueva Orleans; Pedro Olivier, Pequeña Talassie; Pedro Piernas, Nueva Orleans; Juan Nepomuceno de Quesada, Habana; Gregorio de San Miguel, Panzacola; José Pablo Valiente, Habana; Diego de Vegas, Apalache; José Vidal, Apalache; Enrique White, Panzacola; and Vicente Manuel de Zéspedes, San Augustine. Also William Panton, Panzacola, to Miró; and Diego de Vegas, Apalache, to Francisco Cruzat. The most extensive series are those to Miró, Carondelet, Grimarest, and Vegas. A few have indexes. Items of interest: english prisoners; fugitive slaves; indian affairs, McGillivray, chickasaws; Georgia and the creeks (1786) ; american post at Muscle Shoals; and military matters. Most of the legajo deals with routine matters
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