Correspondencia del Intendente de Luisiana
1789 - 1809
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Archivo General de Indias Papeles de Cuba
Correspondencia dirigida por el Intendente de Luisiana, Francisco Rendón, a varias autoridades.
Legajo 88. 1789-1795, [1809]. Correspondencia del Intendente a varias autoridades. B, 29 cm., 600 letters. The correspondence covers all the years indicated, except a few months, about two-fifths being for 1795. The letters of each year are together, but otherwise the legajo is not in order. The legajo consists of the following series of correspondence:
(a) Letters of Francisco Rendón, Nueva Orleans, to: 1794, Barón de Carondelet, Manuel Lanzós; 1794-1795, Diego de Vegas, Enrique White; 1795, Francisco Collell, Juan Delavillebeuvre, Pedro Olivier (these series form two-fifths of the legajo). (b) Juan Francisco Arniaud de Courville, Pazsacola, to: 1789, Francisco Cruzat, Jacobo Dubreuil; and 1790-1791, Arturo O¿Neill. (c) 1794, Barón de Carondelet, Nueva Orleans, to Francisco Rendón (drafts). (d) 1791, 1793, 1794, José de Jaúdenes and José Ignacio de Viar, Filadelfia, to Barín de Carondelet. (e) 1791, Esteban Miró, Nueva Orleans, to Juan Ventura Morales and William Panton. (f) Juan Ventura Morales, Nurva Orleans and Panzacola, to: 1791, Esteban Miró; and 1809, Cayetano Pérez. (g) Francisco Javier Navarro, Panzacola, to: 1790, Francisco Cruzat, Arturo O¿Neill; and 1793, Enrique White. (h) Gabriel Marin Pizarro, Panzacola, to: 1789, Francisco Cruzat, Jacobo Dubreuil; 1790-1791, Arturo O¿Neill; and 1794, Enrique White. (i) 1794, Francisco Ruiz, Panzacola, to Enrique White. (j) 1793-1794, José Pablo Valiente, Habana, to governor of Panzacola. Subjects treated: Rendón deals with supplies for and finances of Panzacola; Panton and company; establishment of royal storehouse at Barrancas de Margot; and indian affairs. Jáudenes and Viar treat of commerce, Genet, activities of french societies in stirring up Luisiana, return of fugitive slaves from the United States, and supplies for Luisiana. Miró writes of Bowles and McGillivray. Special items: 1792, proclamation of Manuel Lanzós at Mobila (may); 1793, copies of letters passed between Jefferson, and Jáudenes and Viar (july) ; 1795, instructions given to the guarda almacen of Confederación; and 1796, copies of bills for supplies for Placaminas. The most important correspondence is that of Jáudenes and Viar to Carondelet
Microfilm SRD, ED 143. Consulta directa en sala del AGI. Copia digital a partir del microfilm.