Correspondencia de cap. generales y Gobernador de Luisiana
1793 - 1796
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Archivo General de Indias Papeles de Cuba
Correspondencia entre los capitanes generales de Cuba, Luis de las Casas y el Conde de Santa Clara, y el Gobernador de Luisiana, Barón de Carondelet.
Legajo 153. 1795-[1796]. Correspondencia recíproca entre los capitanes generales y los gobernadores de la Florida Occidental. A, 13 cm., 392 documents. The letters cover the entire two years and are arranged in chronological order, in carpetas for each month. The legajo consists of the correspondence of the captains general of Cuba and the governor of Luisiana, as follows:
1795, jan. 7-1796, dec. 3. Luis de las Casas to Barón de Carondelet. 1796, dec. 6-1796, dec. 29. Conde de Sta. Clara to Barón de Carondelet. 1795, mar. 4-1796, nov. 1. Drafts of Barón de Carondelet to Luis de las Casas, reservada nos. 131-136, 138-142, 144-156, 158-164; and nos. 137, 157 (evidently should be reservada). See legajos 152-1, 152-2; cf. legajos 1447, 2354. Subjects treated by Casas: 1795, rebuilding of fort at Tombecbé; situado; treaty of Basilea; 1796, repairs on forts at Confederación and Tombecbé; boundary with the United States. Many of the letters are notes of transmission accompanying royal orders or despatches, which were received in Habana and transmitted thence to the governor of Luisiana. Most of Casas¿s letters deal with routine military matters. Subjects treated by Carondelet: 1795, sale of land to the Yazou land company by Georgia; rebuilding of Tombecbé; cession of Barrancas de Margot to the spaniards by the Chickasaws, protest of general Wayne; projected invasion of Florida; measures for subjecting the Osages; 1796, opposition of the americans to the fort at San Fernando de Barrancas; hostile designs of the United States; Juan Delvaux; boundary with the United States; general Collot. Listed