Causas civiles
1793 - 1816
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Archivo General de Indias Papeles de Cuba
Causas civiles seguidas en Panzacola, San Agustín, Nueva Orleans, Mobila, etc.
Legajo 171. 1784-1813. Causas Civiles. A, 28.5 cm., 37 documents. There are documents, arranged chronologically, for the following years:
1774, 1779, 1781, 1784, 1785, 1787, 1790-1794, 1796-1799, 1809, 1810, 1812, and 1813. The expedientes comprise both civil and criminal matters. The most numerous class of expedientes consists of those relating to the estates of various individuals of Luisiana, among whom are Manuel Gayoso de Lemos, governor of the province, and Francisco de Caldes, chaplain of the hospital at Nueva Orleans. The three following especially important expedientes are to be found in this legajo:
(a) The testimony in the case against the leaders in the conspiracy against Antonio de Ulloa, governor of Luisiana, on oct. 29, 1778 (1779, 318 ff.);
(b) Diligencias practicadas contra los bienes del coronel D. Gilberto Antonio de Maxent (1784); and
(c) Testimonio de los autos sobre la presa hecha de la balandra inglesa la Resolución en las costas de Apalache (1793)