Reales Ordenes comunicadas al Gobernador de Luisiana
1785 - 1786
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Archivo General de Indias
Papeles de Cuba
Reales órdenes comunicadas al Gobernador de Luisiana.
Legajo 176. 1785-[1786], [1776]. Reales órdenes. A, 12.5 cm., 184 documents. The letters cover all the months of the years 1785-1786, with a few for may, 1776. They are arranged in chronological order. The legajo consists of letters of José de Gálvez (Marqués de Sonora after nov., 1785) to Conde de Galvez. The letters of 1776 are numbered in Nueva Orleans, 213-221 (see legajo 174). Subjects treated: 1776, commerce with english; tobacco culture; 1785, new settlers; indian affairs, trade with them; fear of an american attack on Luisiana; Georgia commissioners at Natchez; commerce; 1786, quarantine against the United States; immigration from Fort Pitt; settlement of Florida Oriental; regulations regarding english and american families in Luisiana and Florida; Georgia commissioners; indians, relations of the United States to them. Many of the letters acknowledge receipt of correspondence and treat of rewards, promotions, discharges, and petitions of soldiers, many of these latter documents being enclosed. Listed