Minutas de oficios y cartas de los gobernadores de Luisiana
1794 - 1799
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Archivo General de Indias Papeles de Cuba
Borradores de oficios y cartas de los gobernadores de Luisiana a los ministros de la Corona.
Legajo 178. 1793-1798, [1799, 1801]. Oficios a los ministros. A, 14 cm., 446 documents. The letters are scattered through the years 1793-1798, a number of months having none. There are two documents of 1799 and one of 1801. The documents are arranged fairly well in chronological order. The legajo consists of drafts of letters of the governors of Luisiana to the ministers in Spain, as follows: Barón de Carondelet to 1793, jan. 8-1793, mar. 9. Conde de Aranda, reservada nos. 26, 27 (nº 27, index only; see legajos 177, 1574) ; nos. 1, 2. 1793, mar. 11. Pedro Aparici, nº 11. 1793, mar. 11-1797, june 16. Duque de la Alcudia (Príncipe de la Paz after ordinary nº 70 and reservada nº 63), nos. 11, 13, 25, 27, 28, 33, 37, 39, 41, 42, 45, 51, 57, 70-73, 76, 77, 80, 81, 83, 85, 86, 96, 97, 98 (nº 97, index only) ; reservada nos. 3-7, 12, 14-18, 20, 20, 22-24, 26, 29-32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 46, 47, 52, 54, 55, 58, 61, 62, 63, 69, 75, 79, 84, 87. (For missing nos. see legajos 179, 2353, 2354, 2363, 2364; cf. legajo 1574.) 1793, apr. 26-1795, nov. 30. Diego de Gardoqui, nos. 79-93, 97-100, 103-113, 115-125, 1-5 (nº 122, index only) ; reservada nos. 60, 63-65, 71-75, 43 (nos. 63, 64, 72, indexes only). 1795, aug. 27. Antonio Valdés, no. 1. 1796, may 13-1797, feb. 7. Miguel José de Azanza, nos. 1, 1, 2, 1-20.1797, mar. 20-1797, may 30. Juan Manuel Alvarez, nos. 1, 2, 4, 7-14, 23-29 (nº 2, index only). 1797, jan. 9. Eugenio de Llaguno, nos. 23, 24. 1797, july 31. Pedro Varela, nº 1. Manuel Gayoso de Lemos to 1797, sept. 5-1798, sept. 26. Príncipe de la Paz, nos. 1, 2, 6, 8, 12, 15, 24-27, 29, 30; reservada nos. 3, 5, 9-12, 14, 18, 19 (nº 9, index only). 1797, aug. 31-1798, sept. 26. Conde de Santa Clara, captain general of Cuba, nos. 13, 189, 190. (See legajos 153-2, 154-1.)
Subjects treated: 1793, defense of Luisiana; O¿Fallon; relations with Kentucky; project of Lassus, Tardiveau, and Andrain to bring in french settlers; contraband; commerce; intentions of the americans; relations with the Talapuches; expulsion of french citizens; hurricane of aug. 18; indian affairs, assembly, treaty with the Chickasaws, Cherokees, Chocktaws, and Creeks; projected american post at the mouth of the Ohio, prevention of its construction; navigation of the Mississippi; conduct of Lord Dunmore; propagation of french republican ideas; projected attack on Luisiana by the french from the United States; 1794, labors of Carondelet as governor; capture of the english sloop Resolution; indian congress at Nogales; danger of an insurrection and measures to secure loyalty; contraband; commerce; supplies for Luisiana; separation of the intendancy from the governorship; fear of an attack from the United States; separation of Kentucky and the West; relations of the americans and the indians; Wilkinson; navigation of the Mississippi; american post at the mouth of the Ohio; defense of the colony; Panton, Leslie, and company; 1795, Georgia land grants on the Yazou; navigation of the Mississippi; negotiations for the separation of the Western states; Wilkinson; murder of Owen; project for the invasion of Florida Oriental by the french and americans; 1795-1796, disorders at Natchitoches, sedition of Juan Delvaux; 1796, defense of the province; Tardiveau¿s project at New Madrid; exclusion of the french; delay in transfer of posts to the United States; general Collot; outrages committed by the Osages; 1797, fortifications at Panzacola; delay in the evacuation of posts; boundary with the United States; defense of the province; affairs at Natchez, conduct of Ellicott and Pope, american troops, citizens¿ committee; suspension of the evacuation of posts; Wilkinson; difficulties of Gayoso de Lemos and Juan Ventura Morales; 1798, evacuation of Natchez and Nogales; Juan Delvaux; visit of the Duke of Orleans and his brothers; desire of Wilkinson and others in Kentucky to no longer aid
Spain, character of these men; movements of american troops; difficulties of Daniel W. Cox; navigation of the Mississippi; opposition of the Talapuches to the fixing of the boundary of the United States with Luisiana and Florida; descent of the Mississippi by the american troops under Wilkinson. Special items: 1793, apr. 18,'Relación del estado de las plazas fuertes y puestos de la provincias de la Luisiana y Florida Occidental¿¿, by Barón de Carondelet (18 pp.); 1801, oct. 8, petition of Benito Vázquez and 32 others, inhabitants of Ilinueses, for the re-establishment of free trade in furs. (Spanish translation, 12 pp.) Listed. Important for affairs at Natchez and Natchitoches