Copias de Reales Cédulas, provisiones, órdenes


Titulo Nombre Atribuido:

Copias de Reales Cédulas, provisiones, órdenes



Fecha Formación:

1739  -  1818

Nivel de Descripción:

Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación

Código de Referencia:


Situación en el cuadro de clasificación del archivo


Historia Archivística:

Contenido y Estructura

Alcance y Contenido:

Copias de Reales cédulas, provisiones, órdenes, ordenanzas, instrucciones, etc., relativas a Florida Occidental y Luisiana.
Legajo 184. 1798-1802, [1780, 1781, 1786-1797, 1810]. Documentos varios.1 B, 22.5 cm., 500 documents. The legajo is composed of the following documents and groups of documents, which are here arranged chronologically, but which occur in the legajo badly in disorder:
(a) 1780, 1781, 1786, 1792-1794, 1797. Copies of commissions granted by governors Bernardo de Gálvez, Barón de Carondelet, and Manuel de Gayoso de Lemos, to sergeants and corporals of the colored militia of Luisiana. (b) 1781-1786. Index of eighteen royal orders regarding commerce. (c) 1784. Tariff for indian trade among the Chickasaws, Choctaws, and Alibamones, established by the congress at Mobila, june 22-23. (d) 1784-1786. Nº 16. Cuaderno de reales órdenes sobre el modo de dar entrada y auxilio a las embarcaciones extranjeras. (e) 1786. Measures taken against smallpox. (f) Military organization and pardons. (g) 1787, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1797. Copies of commissions granted by governors Esteban Miró and Barón de Carondelet to officials of the militia of Luisiana. (h) 1788. Certified copies of correspondence between Diego de Gardoqui and Pedro Wouves D¿Arges. (i) 1788. Method for the nomination of subordinate officials. (j) 1789. Various reales órdenes de hacienda (mar. 23), one of which relates to Panton and Co. (k) 1790. Decree of the king reorganizing the secretaryships. (l) 1791, Feb. 26. Letter of Alejandro McGillivray, Panzacola, to Esteban Miró. (m) [1793.] To the President and Congress of the United States of America: The remonstrance of the citizens West of the AIlegany mountains. Broadside regarding navigation of the Mississippi. (n) 1793. Various reales cédulas. (o) 1793. Letters of José de Jáudenes and José Ignacio de Viar to Barón de Carondelet, including a copy of a letter of Oliver Pollock giving an account of what he did for the american revolution. (p) 1793. Real orden respecting slave trade. (p1) 1793, mar. 27. Copy of real cédula declaring war against France. (q) 1793, june 9. Real orden regarding freedom of trade. (r) 1793, dec. 7. Proclamation of Arthur St. Clair forbidding citizens to aid or join project of La Chaise et others against spanish possessions (clipping from centinel of the north western territory of Cincinnati, vol. 1., nº 12, with spanish translation). (s) 1793, dec. 13. Broadside of the democratic society of Kentucky, addressed 'To the inhabitants of the United States West of the Allegany and Apalachian mountains¿¿, regarding the navigation of the Mississippi. Signed by John Breckinridge, Thomas Todd, and Thomas Bodley. (t) 1794-1795. Commissions granted to minor militia officials of Luisiana by governor Carondelet. (u) 1794-1797. Various reales órdenes. (v) 1795. Copy of the treaty of Basilea. (w) 1795. Inventory of royal buildings at Panzacola (june 15).(x) [1796.] Relación de los empleados de los provincias de la Luisiana y Florida Occidental, sus nombres, salarios y clases. Carondelet was governor. (y) 1797. Tariff agreed upon by the merchants of Nueva Orleans for collection of duties (jan. 17). (z) 1810. Translation of an incendiary broadside posted at Bayu Sarah in august. Also the two following undated items:
(a) Additions proposed by McGillivray to treaty of Panzacola;
(b) list of supplies necessary for gifts for the Alibamon indians

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Soporte y Volumen

1 Legajo(s) .