Correspondencia dirigida a los gobernadores de Luisiana


Titulo Nombre Atribuido:

Correspondencia dirigida a los gobernadores de Luisiana



Fecha Formación:

1757  -  1809

Nivel de Descripción:

Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación

Código de Referencia:


Situación en el cuadro de clasificación del archivo


Historia Archivística:

Contenido y Estructura

Alcance y Contenido:

Correspondencia dirigida a los gobernadores de Luisiana desde diversos puestos militares. Documentación varia.
Legajo 188. [1757, 1772, 1774, 1777-1779, 1781, 1787, 1788, 1790, 1793-1796, 1801, 1803, 1806, 1807]. Correspondencia nacional y extranjera entre el gobernador de la Luisiana y varias autoridades extranjeras. B, 12 cm., 250 documents. The documents are scattered over the years indicated and are not arranged in any order. Most of the documentation is in french. The legajo consists of the following series of correspondence and other documents, all in french unless otherwise noted: 1757, estimation of the cost of fortifications at Mobila (cf. legajo 187) ; 1772, Valentin Layssard, Rápido, to Luis de Unzaga; 1774, Atanasio de Mézières, Natchitoches, to governor of Luisiana (with drafts of replies); 1777, Juan Stephenson, Panzacola, to Bernardo de Gálvez (in english, with drafts of replies; treat of the reclamation of confiscated vessels); Tomás Lloyd, on board the Atalanta at Nueva Orleans, to Bernardo de Gálvez (in english, with drafts of replies); 1778, Juan Delavillebeuvre, Manchak, to governor of Luisiana; 1779, James Campbell, Panzacola, to Bernardo de Gálvez (in english); 1781, orders of James Campbell; capitulation between Peter Chester and Bernardo de Gálvez (Fuerte George and Campo de Panzacola, may 9; 26 articles, and two additional, nos. 27, 28, proposed by Chester in english, with the acceptance or observations by Gálvez, in spanish on the margin) ; 1787, Juan Filhiol, Ouachita, to governor of Luisiana (indian affairs at the post); 1788, Luis Deblanc, Natchitoches, to Esteban Miró; 1790, Winthrop Sargent, Concord House near Natchez, to Manuel Gayoso de Lemos; 1793, Juan Delavillebeuvre, Nogales, to Barón de Carondelet; James Seagrove, Santa María, to Juan Galphin (in english); petition of merchants and inhabitants of San Luis regarding freedom of trade with the indians (june 22, original signed by Augusto Chouteau, Saint Cyr, and 36 others); ratification of that part of the Tratado de Nogales of oct. 28, which applied to the Cherokee nation (nov. 30; in english) ; 1794, William Panton, Panzacola, to Enrique White (in english): 1795, oath of allegiance taken by the inhabitants of Natchez; 1796, Marqués de Maison Rouge, Ouachita, to Barón de Carondelet; J. Clamorgan, director of the Missouri company, to Barón de Carondelet (sept. 16; proposes 26 articles modifying the agreement of the company with the government; observations of Carondelet on the margin and a plan of the Missouri and Platte rivers on the reverse); 1801, Carlos Dehault Delassus, Cabo Girardeau, to Manuel de Salcedo (in spanish); 1803, Proclamation au nom de la République Française, by Pedro Clemente Laussat, regarding the transfer of Luisiana to France (nov. 30); 1806-1807, James Wilkinson, Nueva Orleans, to Vicente Folch; and, 1806, copy of the proclamation of President Tomás Jefferson against fitting out expeditions against spanish territory. Several documents from this legajo are printed in Bolton¿s Atanasiode Mézières, viz., his nos. 140, 142-148

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Soporte y Volumen

1 Legajo(s) .