Correspondencia dirigida al Gobernador de Luisiana
1770 - 1804
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Archivo General de Indias
Papeles de Cuba
Correspondencia dirigida al Gobernador de Luisiana desde diversos puestos militares. Correspondencia varia.
Legajo 198. 1785, [1775-1784, 1786, 1788]. Correspondencia nacional y extranjera entre los gobernadores de las Floridas y varias autoridades extranjeras. C, 36 cm., 800 documents. The legajo is of 1785, with only a few odd documents for the other years noted. The legajo is in disorder. Most of the letters are those directed to governor Miró by his subordinates. The legajo contains the following series of correspondence, all in french unless otherwise indicated:
(a) Letters to Esteban Miró, governor of Luisiana, from Anselmo Blanchard, Manchak; Luis Bormé, Natchitoches; Miguel Cantrelle, Cabahannose; Luis Deblanc, Natchitoches; Declouet, Attakapas and Opelousas; Esteban de Lamorandier, Opelousas; Nicolás de Verbois, Iberville; Pedro Favrot, Mobila; Juan Filhiol, Nueva Orleans and Ouachita; Jacques Gaignard, Avoyelles; Anthony Hutchins, Natchez (in english); Luis Judice, La Fourche; Valentín Layssard, Rápido; Alejandro McGillivray, Panzacola (in english); Jacques Masicot, Alemanes; Mauricio O¿Conor, Costa de Alemanes; Pedro Rousseau, Natchitoches; Esteban de Vaugine, Natchitoches; and Nicolás Verret, Valenzuela. (b) Drafts of letters of Miró to Bormé, Declouet, de Lamorandier, Judice, Layssard, Masicot, O¿Conor, and Verret. (c) Letters of gen. Juan Campbell, Panzacola, to Bernardo de Gálvez; Pedro Favrot, Mobila, to Enrique Grimarest; Pedro Favrot to Arturo O¿Neill; Antonio Hutchins, Natchez; and Alejandro McGillivray, Panzacola, to Arturo O¿Neill. Items of interest: 1775-1785, register of different orders concerning the militia of Luisiana (title in french, text in spanish); 1784, depositions in the case of Paul Bouet Laffitte against de Vaugine, commandant of Natchitoches; oath of allegiance taken by some English at Mobiae (dec.); 1785, navigation of the Mississippi; indian relations, especially the Cadaux; lists of militia at Costa de Alemanes and Natchitoches; petitions to the governor; warning to Bowles; instructions of Georgia assembly to Tomás Green, and other papers regarding Bourbon County (spanish translation) ; census of Avoyelles; certified copy of the act for forming Bourbon County (feb. 7); proposition for cessation of hostilities at Panzacola (Campbell to Gálvez, may 8); list of inhabitants established at Tinzas (july) ; views of Antonio Hutchins on the Natchez affairs (letter of july 10); copy of a memorial of the Creek nation (in english); and 'Inventaire des pieces du greffe et du notarial du poste des Natchitoches des diverses exercices depuis 1732¿¿ (Covers 1732-1785, Oct. 31, 132 pp