Correspondencia dirigida al Gobernador de Luisiana
1766 - 1795
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Archivo General de Indias
Papeles de Cuba
Capitanía General de Cuba
Correspondencia dirigida al Gobernador de Luisiana desde diversos puestos militares. Correspondencia varia. Legajo 202. 1789, [1766, 1772, 1774, 1789, 1790, 1795]. Correspondencia nacional y extranjera entre los gobernadores de las Floridas y varias autoridades extranjeras. B, 23 cm., 550 letters. The legajo is of 1789, with only a few documents for the other years noted.It is badly disordered. The legajo contains the following series of correspondence, all in french unless otherwise stated: (a) Letters to Esteban Miró, governor of Luisiana, from Anselme Blanchard, Nueva Feliciana; Juan Baptiste Saint Marc Darby, Nueva Iberia; Luis Deblanc, Natchitoches; Declouet, Attakapas; Juan Delavillebeuvre, Attakapas (in spanish); Nicolás de Verbois, Iberville; Juan Filhiol, Ouachita; Nicolás Forstall, Opelousas; Luis Judice, La Fourche; Valentín Layssard, Rápido; Le Bretton D?orgenoy; Alejandro McGillivray, Pequeño Talassie; Santiago Masicot, Alemanes; George Morgan, Nueva York and Nuevo Madrid (in english); William Panton, Panzacola (in english); Henri Peyroux de la Coudreniere, Santa Genoveva; Noel Soileau, Avoyelles; Nicolás Verret, La Fourche; and Pedro Wouves D?Arges, Guarico. (b) Drafts of letters of Miró to Blanchard, Darby, Deblanc, Forstall, Judice, Layssard, Le Bretton D?Orgenoy, McGillivray, Masicot, Morgan, Peyroux de la Coudreniere, Soileau, and Verret. (c) Letters in english of Alejandro McGillivray, Pequeño Talassie, to Francisco Cruzat, Vicente Folch, Arturo O?Neill, William Panton, and Tomás Pinckney. (d) Letters of Tomás Pinckney, Charleston, to Alejandro McGillivray. (e) 1790, a letter of Alejandro Moultrie to Benjamín Farrar. Items of interest: 1789, indian affairs-relations of the Creeks with Spain and the United States; McGillivray; Morgan?s project at Nuevo Madrid; applications by settlers to Morgan for tracts of land, with grants of the same; notices regarding Bowles; and petitions of Gillam Butler and Richard Scott Blackburn for permission to make settlements, and replies to the same (in english). Special documents: 1766, census of left bank of Mississippi River at Cabahannosé (apr. 9); census of both banks of river from Dupart?s to Hebert?s places at Cabahannosé (june 29) ; 1772, census of district along Mississippi from Manchak to Ile au Marais (may 10); 1774, copy of treaty between George III. and the Creeks (oct. 20, in english); 1789, census of Mobila (mar. 15); census of La Fourche (jan. 1); census of Nueva Iberia (dec.20); 1790, explanation of the plans of the Yazoo Land company of South Carolina (letter of Moultrie); 1795, papers of Ebenezer Dayton containing petitions regarding and discussion of the religious conditions in Luisiana. Especially important for McGillivray, indian affairs, and Morgan?s project A este legajo pertenece documentos_escogidos,N.114