Correspondencia dirigida a los gobernadores de Luisiana


Titulo Nombre Atribuido:

Correspondencia dirigida a los gobernadores de Luisiana



Fecha Formación:

1769  -  1811

Nivel de Descripción:

Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación

Código de Referencia:


Situación en el cuadro de clasificación del archivo


Historia Archivística:

Contenido y Estructura

Alcance y Contenido:

Correspondencia dirigida a los gobernadores de Luisiana, desde diversos puestos militares. Correspondencia varia.
Legajo 212. 1796, [1786, 1791, 1794, 1795, 1797-1799]. Correspondencia nacional y extranjera de los gobernadores de las Floridas y varias autoridades extranjeras. C, 44 cm., 1200 documents. The legajo is really of 1796, all the months being represented. There are only a few documents for each of the other years noted. The documentation is badly disorganized. Most of it is in french. The legajo contains the following series of correspondence:
(a) Letters to Barón de Carondelet, governor of Luisiana, from Manuel Andry, Alemanes; Anselmo Blanchard, Nueva Feliciana; J. Clamorgan, Nueva Orleans; Luis Deblanc, Attakapas and Natchitoches (for 1795) ; Carlos Dehault Delassus, Nueva Borbon; Esteban de Lamorandier, Avoyelles; José de Maison Rouge, Ouachita; Delery, Chapitoulas; Nicolás de Verbois, Iberville; Guillermo Duparc, Punta Cortada; Martín Duralde, Opelousas; Pedro Favrot, Placaminas; Juan Filhiol, Fuerte Miró; Carlos de Grand Pré, Natchez; Luis Judice, La Fourche; Paul Leblanc, Chapitoulas; le Bretton D¿Orgenoy, Chapitoulas; Juan Bautista Macarty, Fuerte San Carlos; Juan Mayeux, Avoyelles; William Murray; Tomás Power, Nuevo Madrid; Antonio Saint Amand, Alemanes; Félix Trudeau, Natchitoches; Zenón Trudeau, San Luis; Francisco Vallé, Santa Genoveva des Illinois; Nicolás Verret, La Fourche (also for 1797) ; Carlos de Vilemont, Arkansas; and Anthony Wayne, Detroit. (b) Drafts of letters of Carondelet to Deblanc (also originals ), D¿Orgenoy, Judice, Mayeux, Saint Amand, and Verret. (c) Letters to Manuel Gayoso de Lemos, from: 1796, Elias Beauregard, Nogales; Carlos Dehault Delassus, Nuevo Madrid; Benjamin Fooy, San Fernando of the Bluffs; Tomás Portell, Nuevo Madrid; 1798, William Blount, territory of United States south of the Ohio; Pedro Foucher, Nueva Orleans; Valentin Layssard, Rápido; and, 1799, William Dunbar, Natchez. (d) Letters of various persons in England to William A. Bowles while he was in that country in 1798, together with a few letters of Bowles. (e) Letters of: 1786, Declouet, Attakapas, to Governor Esteban Miró; 1794, de Villiers, nation Creek, to Enrique White; and, 1796, José Vázquez Vahamonde, Baton Rouge, to Nicolás de Verbois. Subjects treated: indian affairs; immigration and general affairs of the posts. Special items: 1789, act of Georgia legislature for disposing of certain vacant lands (dec. 20) ; 1791, remonstrance of Indian chiefs in council at Usaches to congressional commissioners for running boundary line (oct. 28) ; 1795, census of negroes at Chapitoulas (july 10) ; list of inhabitants of Mobila possessing slaves (dec. 31); 1796, petition of ladies of San Luis to Carondelet; census of Nueva Feliciana; id. des six illes entre la rue des urselines et la rue San Felipe; treaty between Spain and the United States, as proclaimed by the president; instructions to the commissaires de quartier (jan. 1); list of chimneys of the second ward of Nueva Orleans (feb. 14); census of third ward of Nueva Orleans (feb. 18); id. of slaves of second ward (june 9); id. of slaves of masters not contributing for lost slaves (june 9); general census of slaves of Nueva Orleans and masters who contributed to indemnity for slaves lost at Punta Cortada (june 20) ; id. of those refusing to contribute (june 20); 1798, notes taken by William Dunbar at Mr. Bougand¿s plantation at Bluff (aug. 7); 1799, result of observations taken by Esteban Minor to determine the latitude of the bank of the Tombekbec (mar. 21-apr. 3); result of observations to determine error of the compass (may 9-20); and, 1803, census of Punta Cortada (may 28)

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1 Legajo(s) .