Correspondencia varia
1781 - 1820
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación_en
Legajo 270. 1727-1821. Papeles varios. A, 18 cm., 400 documents. Documents were noted in this part for the years 1779, 1781, 1782, 1784-1786, 1788, 1797-1802, 1805-1807, 1809-1813, 1815, 1817-1821. The documents are in no order. The legajo is composed of three packages, as indicated below. Package I. contains the following series of correspondence:
(a) Letters to Martin Navarro, intendant of Luisiana, from: 1779, Bernardo de Gálvez, Nueva Orleans; 1781, Carlos de Grand Pré, Punta Cortada; 1782, José de Gálvez; Arturo O¿Neill, Panzacola (with drafts of replies); 1784, José Fajardo, Panzacola; and, 1788, Esteban Miró, Nueva Orleans. (b) Letters to Juan Ventura Morales, intendant of Luisiana, from: 1799, 1806, Vicente Folch, Panzacola; 1799, 1800, 1806, Tadeo Jáudenes, Habana; 1801, Miguel José de Azanza, México; Félix Berenguer de Marquina, México; 1805, Rafael Gomez Rombaud, Habana; 1806, Juan Francisco Arniaud de Courville, Panzacola; Marqués de Casa Calvo, Nueva Orleans; José de Iturrigaray, México; 1807, Manuel García, Nueva Orleans; 1809, Nicolás de Toledo, Habana; and, 1810-1812, Tadeo Jáudenes and other members of the Tribunal de Cuentas, Habana. (c) Letters to Antonio Cabanas from: 1812-1813, Mauricio de Zúñiga, Panzacola; 1813, Juan de Aguilar, Habana; and Mateo Gonzalez Manrique, Panzacola. (d) Letters of: 1798, José Pablo Valiente, Habana, to Manuel Serrano; and, 1800, Ramón de López y Angulo, Nueva Orleans, to Tribunal de Cuentas. The bulk of this section deals with finances and supplies. There are also a number of petitions to the intendancy and certificates granted by it (1785, 1786, 1813). Package II. contains:
(a) Letters to the intendant of Luisiana from: 1797, Francisco Cerdá, and, 1801-1802, Antonio Porcel, both of Madrid. These are simply notes transmitting reales despachos. (b) 1812, apr.-1813, sept., 1815, jan.-june, órdenes de la Regencia despatched by the Secretary of Treasury and addressed to the intendant of Florida Occidental (originals and copies; in carpetas for each month). Subjects: repairs on the fort at Apalache and the situado of the province of Florida Occidental. Package III. contains letters, together with drafts of replies, to Alejandro Ramirez from: 1817, José Cienfuegos, Habana; 1817-1818, José Masot, Panzacola; 1819, Nicolás Santos Suárez, Panzacola; 1819-1820, José Callava, Panzacola; and, 1820-1821, José Coppinger, San Agustin. These deal mainly with commerce and finances of Panzacola. There are included lists of employees of the treasury department at Panzacola and San Agustin in 1820
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