Ajustamientos de familias
1790 - 1821
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación_en
Legajo 358. 1790, 1799-1809, [1821]. Ajustamientos de familias y asientos de empleados y emigrados. (Florida Oriental 76.) A, 9 cm., 26 documents. The legajo contains 25 lists of families which were transported from Florida to Cuba. Each list covers a third of a year and, besides the names of the families, indicates the amount of pension allowed and the payments made. Most of the lists are on printed forms. There are the following lists: 1778 first third, 1790 first third, 1799 last third, 1800 first and second thirds, 1801-1804 first. second, and last thirds, 1805 first and second thirds, 1805, sept. 1- 1807, dec. 31, one list, 1808 first, second, and last thirds, and 1809 first and second thirds. There is also a list of corporals, soldiers, and families from San
Agustín, for 1821
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