Hospitalidades del Real Hospital de Guadalupe en San Agustín
1791 - 1797
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Archivo General de Indias Papeles de Cuba
Hospitalidades del real hospital de Guadalupe en San Agustín. Comprende listas mensuales de soldados hospitalizados, raciones, etc..
Legajo 449. 1791-1797. Hospitalidades. (Florida Oriental 167.) A, 21 cm., 600 documents. The legajo consists of reports of the hospital de Guadalupe of San Agustín for 1791 to 1797. These include the monthly lists of persons in the hospital from all divisions of the royal service and lists of rations and supplies used. The documents are all in order. All are slightly damaged by polilla, the documents of 1791-1792 having been rendered almost useless