Correspondencia de los intendentes de Luisiana
1795 - 1809
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Archivo General de Indias Papeles de Cuba
Correspondencia de los intendentes de Luisiana Francisco Rendón, Juan Ventura Morales y Ramón de López y Angulo al presidente y contadores mayores del tribunal y real audiencia de cuentas de La Habana.
Legajo 479. 1795-1806. Correspondencia de Nueva Orleans. (Florida Oriental 197.) A, 9 cm., 200 letters. The letters cover the years 1795 to 1806, with a few months missing. The documents are pretty well in order, almost all of the months being in carpetas. The legajo contains letters addressed to the presidente y contadores mayores del tribunal y real audiencia de cuentas de la Habana, from the intendants of Luisiana, Francisco Rendón (1795), Juan Ventura Morales (1796-1799, 1801-1806), and Ramón de López y Angulo (1800-1801), together with the drafts from the tribunal to the intendants. There are also a few letters of Enrique White, of Panzacola, to the tribunal (1796). Subjects treated: Transmission of financial reports (major part); hurricanes; establishment of Barrancas de Margot; indexes of documents forming annual financial reports; and notice of transfer of Luisiana to the french