Cargos y datas del Guarda-Almacén
1792 - 1795
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Archivo General de Indias Papeles de Cuba
Cargos y datas del guarda-almacén del ramo de indios, Francisco Candel.
Legajo 515. 1792-1795. Comprobantes del guarda-almacén. (Luisiana 28, formerly nº 36.) A, 6.5 cm., 351 documents. On the second cover is an older title which tells the whole content of the legajo. It is as follows: 'Cargo y datas de efectos del guarda-almacén del ramo de indios D. Francisco Candel desde 1° de mayo de 1792 hasta julio de 1795.¿¿ Candel was the guarda-almacén of Natchez. The vouchers of cargo are the originals, while those of the data are copies.They are all in perfect order, most of them being numbered. The most interesting of the papers are the datas, which include lists of supplies and gifts furnished to the indians