Certificaciones de créditos expedidos en Nueva Orleans
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Legajo 554. 1789-1790. Certificaciones de créditos. (Luisiana 67.) A, 22.7 cm., 1115 documents. The legajo consists of certificates of indebtedness of the treasury of Lusiana issued at Nueva Orleans, during the years 1780-1786, inclusive. They were paid during the months from aug., 1789, to feb., 1790, and were cancelled on oct., 31, 1790, by governor Miró. They are arranged in order in twenty carpetas, numbered from 22 to 41, inclusive, one for each day on which payments were made and the certificates deposited in the 'arca de tres llaves'. The certificates were issued in return for supplies for the expeditions against Mobila and Panzacola, supplies for the various posts and for the acadians, payment for services to the government, salaries of officials, expenses of indian affairs, payment for tobacco sold to the government, and pay for medicines. These certificates were transferable. Important for the financial history of Luisiana
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