Correspondencia de los intendentes de Luisiana
1779 - 1810
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Archivo General de Indias
Papeles de Cuba
Correspondencia entre los intendentes de Luisiana y los ministros de España.
Legajo 593. 1779-1810. Correspondencia de oficio. (Luisiana 106.) A, 14 cm., 683 documents. The legajo consists almost entirely of drafts of letters from the intendants of Luisiana to the ministers in Spain, as follows: 1779, sept. 20-1787, june 7. Martín Navarro to José de Gálvez (after feb. 22, 1786, Marqués de Sonora), nos. 1-6, 8-22, 24-104, 106-229, 232-440, 493-495, 497, 501, 505, 507-512, 515, 518, 519 (except that the following are indexes only: nos. 3, 17-21, 71, 170, 182, 188, 202, 203, 206, 207, 217, 223, 239, 241, 250, 253, 257, 306, 307, 310, 322, 327, 332, 334, 339, 344, 349, 370, 375, 410, 411, 419.) Series continued in legajo 594; for missing nos. see legajos 584, 595, 674, 2351; cf. legajos 633, 685. 1787, oct. 10-1788, may 3. Martín Navarro to Antonio Valdés, nos. 2-7, 28, 34, 52-59, 61, 62, 67-69, 71-76, 78, 79. For missing nos. see legajo 594; cf. legajo 633. 1788, jan. 8-may 3. Martín Navarro to Antonio Porlier, nos. 2-4. Cf. legajo 633. 1788, may 3. Martín Navarro to Príncipe de la Paz, nº 1. 1797, mar. 31. Juan Ventura Morales to Pedro Varela y Ulloa, nº 110. 1798, mar. 3 and apr. 27. Juan Ventura Morales to Marqués de las Hormazas, nos. 212, 221, 222. 1798, july 31. Juan Ventura Morales to Francisco Saavedra, nos. 234 238. 1799, mar. 3. Juan Ventura Morales to Juan Manuel Alvarez, nos. 3, 4. 1801, sept. 30. Morales to Alvarez, nos. 1-3. 1802, apr. 30-1805, feb. 25. Juan Ventura Morales to Pedro Cevallos, nos. 7, 8, 10, 12. 1801, july 13. Ramón de López y Angulo to Cayetano Soler, nº 116. 1799, oct. 15-nov. 30. Juan Ventura Morales to Cayetano Soler, nos. 327, 333, 343, 354. See legajo 595. 1803, may 31. Morales to Soler, nos. 212-216, 218-220. See legajo 595. 1804, mar. 31. Morales to Soler, reservada nos. 23, 24. 1806, sept. 30. Morales to Soler, nº 458. See legajo 2330. 1808, apr. 30-1808, june 12. Morales to Soler, nº 564, and, indexes only, nos. 553-563, 565-567. 1809, aug. 31-1810, oct. 31. Juan Ventura Morales to Francisco de Saavedra, nos. 572, 579, 16, and, indexes only, nos. 568-571, 573-577, 580-583. See legajo 2330. 1810, feb. 8. Juan Ventura Morales to Martin Garay, nº 15. Also the following: To Luis de Unzaga from Marqués de Grimaldy, oct. 24, 1779 (nº 7); to Martín Navarro from José de Galvez, sept. 12, 1782 (nº 72; see legajo 2317-1), 1784-1785 (five letters); sept. 19, 1785 (nº 243; see legajo 2317-1); mar. 3, 1786 (one); feb. 26, 1787 (one) Ministerio de la Guerra to captain general of Florida, 1792, 1796 (two letters); Diego Gardoqui to Juan Ventura Morales, 1796 (two letters); Francisco Cerdá to Morales, 1796 (one letter); copy of correspondence between Morales and Manuel Gayoso de Lemos (1798); Marqués de Someruelos to governor of Luisiana, 1801 (two letters). Subjects treated: 1779, capture of Baton Rouge and Natchez; 1780, shortage of funds; tobacco cultivation and monopoly; damage from hurricane and aid granted; new settlers; slave-trade; dispersion of the expedition against the english Florida Occidental; 1781, attack on Mobila; finances; expedition against Panzacola and its capture; commerce; confiscated property of Noyant de Bienville; money supplied to Oliver Pollock; 1782, cultivation of tobacco and administration of the monopoly; finances, situado; 1783, commerce; tobacco; indian gifts; 1784, navigation of the Mississippi by the americans; laborers from Granada; indian congress and trade; need of funds; tobacco monopoly; report on crops; 1785, report on duties collected; semi-annual report on the province; acadians; tobacco; indian trade; commerce with France; arrival of commissioners of Georgia at Natchez; 1786, report on duties collected; acadians; fur trade; property of Noyant de Bienville; semi-annual report on province; canary islanders; tobacco; 1788, defense of Natchez; 1798, repairs on buildings; report on imports from foreign countries; 1799, prohibition of neutral commerce; 1801-1803,
right of deposit granted to the americans and use of the same; 1803, ursuline nuns removed to Habana; 1809, duties. Special items: 1779, june 16, observations of the regulations for free trade (11 1/2 pp.); 1780, aug. 29, letter of Martin Navarro to the inhabitants of Luisiana regarding the hurricane; 1787, jan. 11, notice of licenses granted for voyages to Marseilla in the years 1784-1785; 1798, reports on goods imported from and exported to foreign ports (four). Listed