Correspondencia del Intendente de La Habana
1779 - 1782
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Archivo General de Indias Papeles de Cuba
Correspondencia del Intendente de La Habana, Juan Ignacio de Urriza, con el Intendente de Nueva Orleans, Martín Navarro.
Legajo 624. 1780-1812. Correspondencia de oficio. (Luisiana 137.) A, 24 cm., 1100 letters. The letters in this legajo cover the years 1780-1782, 1794-1796, 1801-1803, and 1805-1812. The correspondence is composed of three series, two between the intendants of Habana and those of Luisiana, and the third between the captain general of Habana and the intendant of Luisiana. The series are as follows:
(a) 1780-1782. Letters of Juan Ignacio Urriza, intendant of Habana, to Martín Navarro, with the drafts of the replies by Navarro. These letters almost wholly deal with financial matters. Some of them treat of the expedition against Panzacola, supplies for Luisiana, and the disposition of the effects found at Mobila at the time of its capture. This series is badly disordered. (b) This series is in a carpeta labelled, 'Capitanía General de la provincia desde 13 de julio de 1801 hasta 7 de sep. de 1812. Capitán General, 122 oficios; Intendencia, 169 minutas. Legajo 97¿¿. These are the letters of the Marqués de Someruelos to Juan Ventura Morales, with the drafts of the replies by the latter. They deal very largely with finances, especially the situado. Commerce and the difficulties of Morales with Joaquín de la Torre and Joaquín Osorno are also treated. The letters are arranged in carpetas for the years; there are none for 1804. (c) 1794-1796. Letters of José Pablo Valiente, intendant of Habana, to Francisco Rendón, intendant of Luisiana. These deal almost entirely with finances, including the situado. Supplies and munitions for Luisiana, as well as the disastrous fire of dDec.,1794, including a list of the houses destroyed, are mentioned. This correspondence is arranged in carpetas for each year