Archivos Españoles - Ministerio de Cultura - Gobierno de España
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Artículos de 01/10/1937 a 30/10/1937

Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica


Titulo Nombre Atribuido:

Artículos de 01/10/1937 a 30/10/1937



Fecha Creación:

1937-10-01  -  1937-10-30

Nivel de Descripción:

Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación

Código de Referencia:


Situación en el cuadro de clasificación del archivo:

Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica     1. ARCHIVOS PÚBLICOS     Representaciones diplomáticas en el exterior     Embajada de España en Londres (Reino Unido)     Actitud de la prensa


Nombre del/los productor/es:

Embajada de España en Londres (Reino Unido)

Contenido y Estructura

Alcance y Contenido:

Contiene artículos de la prensa británica sobre el desarrollo de la Guerra Civil Española en el mes de octubre de 1937 y algunas notas de prensa del Servicio de Información del Gobierno en Valencia:
386. Duce's Choice on Spain (News Chronicle, 01/10/1937)
387. Plain Words (News Chronicle, 01/10/1937)
388. Arms For Spain Without Stint (Daily Herald, 01/10/1937). En dos páginas: obtained in the near future
389. Britain Bars Way To League Help for Spain (Daily Worker, 01/10/1937)
390. Labour Must Act (Daily Worker, 01/10/1937)
391. El Duce y el Führer (02/10/1937). Nota mecanografiada del Servicio de Información, Artículo del Manchester Guardian, en dos hojas
392. Friendly Notes to Duce (News Chronicle, 02/10/1937)
393. Italy's Choice (Daily Herald, 02/10/1937)
394. Beware! (Daily Worker, 02/10/1937)
395. Spain and the League (Manchester Guardian, 04/10/1937)
396. Rome To Say No To Paris And London (News Chronicle, 04/10/1937)
397. Valencia Torn by Bombers (News Chronicle, 04/10/1937). En dos páginas: ...going to Madrid
398. The Duce's Choice (News Chronicle, 04/10/1937)
399. The Economic Weapon (Manchester Guardian, 06/10/1937)
400. The Attack on the Basilisk (Manchester Guardian, 06/10/1937)
401. Stop This Piracy (Daily Mail, 05/10/1937)
402. William Hickey has been around Europe (Daily Express, 05/10/1937)
403. Duce Ready To Defy Britain (Daily Herald, 05/10/1937)
404. Italy And Spain (Manchester Guardian, 06/10/1937)
405. Italy's Motive-Playing for Time to Help Franco (Manchester Guardian, 06/10/1937)
406. Hickey in Spain (Daily Express, 06/10/1937)
407. Arms for Spain if Duce Delays Reply (News Chronicle, 07/10/1937). En dos páginas: ...especially to a party...
408. Where We Stand After the Bournemouth Vote (Daily Worker, 07/10/1937)
409. New Order In Valencia-Moderates in the Ascendant (The Times, 08/10/1937)
410. Unity on Foreign Policy (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 08/10/1937)
411. Don't Forget Spain! (Daily Worker, 08/10/1937)
412. Italy and Spain (The Times, 08/10/1937)
413. Mr. Chamberlains Survey-Policies That Inspire Public Confidence (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 09/10/1937)
414. The Spanish War (Manchester Guardian, 09/10/1937)
415. Premier and Italy (Daily Mail, 09/10/1937)
416. Action First (Daily Herald, 09/10/1937)
417. Paris and London Firm (News Chronicle, 09/10/1937). En dos páginas: argument that the withdrawal
418. Britain-America-Italy (News Chronicle, 09/10/1937)
419. La Piratería fascista juzgada por el diario conservador.. (10/10/1937). Nota mecanografiada del Servicio de Información, en dos hojas
420. An Untimely Deadlock (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 11/10/1937)
421. No Progress (Manchester Guardian, 11/10/1937)
422. Keep Cool (Daily Mail, 11/10/1937)
423. Spain is not Red (Daily Express, 11/10/1937)
424. Don't Be Tempted (Daily Herald, 11/10/1937)
425. Pledge Not Repeated (News Chronicle, 11/10/1937). En dos páginas: would involve
426. Italy's No (News Chronicle, 11/10/1937)
427. As You Were (Daily Worker, 11/10/1937)
428. Troops for Libya (Manchester Guardian, 12/10/1937)
429. Valencia Fears Franco Landing (Daily Mail, 12/10/1937)
430. What Next? (News Chronicle, 12/10/1937)
431. Check!-The Next Move (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 13/10/1937)
432. The Balearic Islands (Manchester Guardian, 13/10/1937)
433. I Accuse... (News Chronicle, 13/10/1937)
434. Wobble (Daily Herald, 13/10/1937)
435. Out Of Step (Daily Worker, 13/10/1937)
436. The Story of The Battle of Brunete (Daily Worker, 13/10/1937)
437. Awaiting the Premier (Manchester Guardian, 14/10/1937)
438. Pause (Daily Mail, 14/10/1937)
439. Britain Double-Crosses Spain (Daily Worker, 14/10/1937)
440. They Hid Behind Women (Daily Worker, 14/10/1937)
441. Talk Without End (News Chronicle, 15/10/1937)
442. Mr. Eden's Collapse (Daily Herald, 16/10/1937)
443. This United Kingdom (Daily Express, 16/10/1937)
444. Mr. Eden and Italy (Manchester Guardian, 16/10/1937)
445. Strange Silence of Mr. Chamberlain (Reynolds News, 17/10/1937)
446. Realities of War in Spain-Military Odds on Franco (The Sunday Times, 17/10/1937). En dos páginas: ...gaol who told me that...
447. Italy and Spain-Great Britain's Concern (The Sunday Times, 17/10/1937)
448. Go Slow! No Cause for War (The Observer, 17/10/1937)
449. La frontera de los Pirineos debe abrirse inmediatamente, dice Le Peuple de Bruselas (18/10/1937). Nota mecanografiada del Servicio de Información, en dos hojas
450. A Worker's Notebook (Daily Worker, 18/10/1937)
451. The Story of Brunete-Enemy Fire Sets Grass Blazing (Daily Worker, 18/10/1937)
452. British Plan Aids Fascists (Daily Worker, 18/10/1937)
453. Just As We Said (Daily Herald, 18/10/1937)
454. Token of Insincerity (News Chronicle, 18/10/1937)
455. Opinion-Britain's Part (Daily Express, 18/10/1937)
456. Ealing learned (Daily Express, 18/10/1937)
457. Thursday's Debate (Manchester Guardian, 18/10/1937)
458. The Debate Opens (Manchester Guardian, 18/10/1937)
459. Well Begun (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 18/10/1937)
460. The French Plan (The Times, 18/10/1937)
461. The Story of Brunete-This Is Real Courage (Daily Worker, 19/10/1937)
462. Better Unsaid (Daily Herald, 19/10/1937)
463. Are These Men Nervous Wrecks? (News Chronicle, 19/10/1937)
464. The Italo-Spanish War (News Chronicle, 19/10/1937)
465. Opinion-Those Volunteers (Daily Express, 19/10/1937)
466. Maisky Is Mystery Man (Daily Express, 19/10/1937)
467. The Story of Brunete-Holding the Line (Daily Worker, 20/10/1937)
468. Duce's Glory (Daily Herald, 20/10/1937)
469. Conquering Heroes at a Price (Daily Herald, 20/10/1937)
470. Deadlock in Spain Talks (News Chronicle, 20/10/1937)
471. What Rome Forgot (News Chronicle, 20/10/1937)
472. Spain: Talk is Over (Daily Express, 20/10/1937)
473. Who's Running this Country, Anyway? (Daily Express, 20/10/1937)
474. Try Again (Daily Mail, 20/10/1937)
475. Italy's El Dorado (Manchester Guardian, 20/10/1937)
476. The Story of Brunete-Our Guns Red Hot With Fire (Daily Worker, 21/10/1937)
477. And Still It Lives (Daily Herald, 21/10/1937)
478. One Year Ago Today (Daily Herald, 21/10/1937)
479. Italy's Offer (News Chronicle, 21/10/1937)
480. Mussolini's New Offer to Recall Volunteers (News Chronicle, 21/10/1937). En dos páginas: belligerents rights should
481. Opinion-Mussolini's Stroke (Daily Express, 21/10/1937)
482. Mussolini Loses Diplomatic Poker (Daily Express, 21/10/1937)
483. Gijon Set On Fire By the Anarchists (Daily Mail, 21/10/1937)
484. Mr. Eden in 'Phone Drama (Daily Mail, 21/10/1937)
485. Italy's Offer (Daily Mail, 21/10/1937)
486. Italy's Proposals (Manchester Guardian, 21/10/1937)
487. A Break in the Clouds (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 21/10/1937)
488. A Welcome Advance (The Times, 21/10/1937)
489. Parliament Today (The Times, 21/10/1937)
490. No Time to Lose (Daily Worker, 22/10/1937)
491. The Other Mr. Eden (Daily Herald, 22/10/1937)
492. The Cabinet's Defence (News Chronicle, 22/10/1937)
493. Opinion-Spanish Winter (Daily Express, 22/10/1937)
494. Premier and Peace (Daily Mail, 22/10/1937)
495. The Fall of Gijon (Manchester Guardian, 22/10/1937)
496. The Brussels Conference (Manchester Guardian, 22/10/1937)
497. Mr. Eden's Good Day (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 22/10/1937)
498. The Fall of Gijon (The Times, 22/10/1937)
499. Mr. Eden Review (The Times, 22/10/1937)
500. Gijon (Daily Herald, 23/10/1937)
501. A Dictator's Word (News Chronicle, 23/10/1937)
502. After Victory, Pity! (Daily Express, 23/10/1937)
503. Fighting in Spain-With the International Brigade (Manchester Guardian, 25/10/1937)
504. Attempt to End Spain Deadlock (Daily Mail, 25/10/1937)
505. Opinion-With No Flowers (Daily Express, 25/10/1937)
506. Soviet's No To Mussolini (Daily Herald, 25/10/1937)
507. End It! (Daily Worker, 25/10/1937)
508. Save Asturian Miners From Massacre By Franco (Daily Worker, 25/10/1937)
509. Token Withdrawal Plan Faces Death Now (Daily Herald, 26/10/1937)
510. Critical Talks on Spain-Move to Oust Russia From the Committee (News Chronicle, 26/10/1937)
511. Dropping the League (Daily Herald, 27/10/1937)
512. Line-Up for the Second Winter of War (News Chronicle, 27/10/1937)
513. Shocking (News Chronicle, 27/10/1937)
514. Token Withdrawal Plan for Spain is Now Abandoned- Italy Drops her Demand for Unanimity (News Chronicle, 27/10/1937). En dos páginas: out, were pledged to prevent
515. Progress (Daily Mail, 27/10/1937)
516. The Asturian Refugees (Manchester Guardian, 27/10/1937)
517. Brick-Bats Without Straw (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 27/10/1937)
518. Some Progress (The Times, 27/10/1937)
519. Lives In Danger (Daily Worker, 27/10/1937)
520. Be Wary (Daily Herald, 28/10/1937)
521. Satisfactory Progress? (Daily Worker, 28/10/1937)
522. LG Batters Spanish Policy-Admiral Silenced on Gibraltar Menace (News Chronicle, 29/10/1937)
523. Why Mussolini won't go to war (Daily Express, 29/10/1937)
524. Life Among The Ruins (The Times, 30/10/1937)
525. Complete Deadlock in Spain-Worse Muddle more Delay (News Chronicle, 30/10/1937)
526. End It (Daily Worker, 30/10/1937)

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141 Documento(s) .