Artículos de 03/01/1938 a 31/03/1938
1938-01-03 - 1938-03-31
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica
Representaciones diplomáticas en el exterior
Embajada de España en Londres (Reino Unido)
Actitud de la prensa
Embajada de España en Londres (Reino Unido)
Contiene artículos de la prensa británica sobre el desarrollo de la Guerra Civil Española entre los meses de enero y marzo de 1938. Incluye un documento que contiene la transcripción de varios telegramas recibidos por la Embajada de España en Londres (Reino Unido). 142. Opinion-Spain's Crimea (Daily Express, 03/01/1938) 143. The Rebels Stricke Back (Manchester Guardian, 03/01/1938) 144. Behind the Lines with Franco (Daily Herald, 04/01/1938) 145. Teruel (News Chronicle, 04/01/1938) 146. Tanks Slide At Teruel (Daily Mail, 05/01/1938) 147. Strength of Government Forces in Spain (Manchester Guardian, 05/01/1938) 148. Garrison Isolated (The Times, 05/01/1938) 149. Delmer Tells How Teruel Holds On (Daily Express, 05/01/1938) 150. Why do the Italians hate us so much? (Daily Express, 06/01/1938) 151. On the Tooth of Teruel (Manchester Guardian, 06/01/1938) 152. Rebels' Great Difficulties (Manchester Guardian, 06/01/1938) 153. New People's Army Fought Alone At Teruel (Daily Worker, 06/01/1938) 154. Fascists May Be Surrounded (Daily Worker, 06/01/1938) 155. Unseen Guns Rout Rebels (News Chronicle, 06/01/1938) 156. Nurses There Work in Wards Lit by Cigarette Lighterers (Daily Worker, 07/01/1938) 157. Prof. Haldane Tells How Teruel Fell (Daily Herald, 07/01/1938) 158. Franco forced to put off big offensive (News Chronicle, 07/01/1938). En dos páginas: of food, but... 159. Raid Shelters in Spain. Amazing Progress (Manchester Guardian, 07/01/1938) 160. Books of the Day. Views on the Spanish Conflict (Manchester Guardian, 07/01/1938) 161. Italians To Lead Offensive (News Chronicle, 08/01/1938) 162. Franco's Men Sing Defiance (Daily Express, 08/01/1938) 163. Teruel's Last 1,700 Surrender (Daily Express, 08/01/1938) 164. Valencia Beats London in Air Defence (Daily Worker, 08/01/1938) 165. In Spain (Sunday Express, 09/01/1938) 166. The Lines Held (Daily Herald, 10/01/1938) 167. Not enough Victims? (Daily Express, 10/01/1938) 168. Little Bishop Help from Teruel Ruin (Daily Express, 10/01/1938) 169. Growth of Republican War Machine (Manchester Guardian, 10/01/1938) 170. Raid Shelters in Spain (Manchester Guardian, 10/01/1938) 171. Insurgent Commander Censured (The Times, 10/01/1938) 172. Possible New Attack by Nationalists (The Times, 11/01/1938) 173. Attack On Teruel Has Ceased (Daily Worker, 11/01/1938) 174. Teruel Triumph for New Army (News Chronicle, 11/01/1938) 175. Franco's Non-Success In Spite of More Foreign Help (Manchester Guardian, 11/01/1938) 176. News from Teruel (Manchester Guardian, 11/01/1938) 177. Teruel and After (The Times, 11/01/1938) 178. Spain's Armies (Daily Express, 12/01/1938) 179. Two Million People Leave Home (Daily Herald, 13/01/1938) 180. Best Hospitals in Spain (Daily Worker, 14/01/1938) 181. Swaffer Tells What He Saw In Spain (Daily Herald, 15/01/1938). En dos páginas: Nothing was hidden... 182. People's Army Shatters Franco's Hopes (Reynolds News, 16/01/1938) 183. General Franco and the Basques (The Sunday Times, 16/01/1938) 184. The Battle of Teruel-Sway of the Struggle (The Observer, 16/01/1938) 185. Beautiful View in Front Trench (Daily Express, 17/01/1938) 186. Papa Miaja laughed till the tears ran (Daily Herald, 18/01/1938) 187. Turning-Point in Spain. War Really Begins (Manchester Guardian, 18/01/1938) 188. Republican Spain's Strong New Army (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 19/01/1938) 189. After Teruel (Manchester Guardian, 19/01/1938) 190. Teruel Bombed for Hours on End (Daily Worker, 20/01/1938) 191. Madrid Carries On As Insurgents' Shells Fall (Daily Herald, 20/01/1938) 192. The War In Spain (22/01/1938). Semanario sobre los avances de la guerra 193. Brutal Bad Temper (News Chronicle, 22/01/1938) 194. The Spanish Coast (Manchester Guardian, 22/01/1938) 195. Hitler's New Plot (Sunday Referee, 23/01/1938) 196. After Teruel; What Next in Spain? (Reynolds News, 23/01/1938) 197. Franco Gamble Nears Its End (Daily Sketch, 26/01/1938) 198. Rojo Smiles As Franco's Men Storm Teruel (Daily Express, 24/01/1938) 199. New War 'Plane Used In Spain (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 24/01/1938) 200. Spain's Citizen Army.-Munitions would end the war (Manchester Guardian, 25/01/1938) 201. The Century (Manchester Guardian, 26/01/1938) 202. Stay Out! (Daily Express, 27/01/1938) 203. A Coast Under Siege (The Times, 27/01/1938) 204. Non-Intervention Deadlock. Inexhaustible Ingenuity in Delay (Manchester Guardian, 28/01/1938) 205. Food Control Helping to Defeat Franco (Daily Worker, 29/01/1938) 206. Peaceful and Constructive Spain (Daily Worker, 01/02/1938) 207. Barbarism (News Chronicle, 01/02/1938) 208. World Shocked By Barcelona Raid Massacre (News Chronicle, 01/02/1938) 209. Children That Are Not (Daily Express, 01/02/1938) 210. Pirates Return (Daily Herald, 02/02/1938) 211. Opinion-The Black Flag (Daily Express, 02/02/1938) 212. Powers and Piracy (Daily Mail, 02/02/1938) 213. Hope (News Chronicle, 03/02/1938) 214. Humanity (News Chronicle, 04/02/1938) 215. The Use of The Bomber (Manchester Guardian, 04/02/1938) 216. A British Lead (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 04/02/1938) 217. Posers for the Layman-Sinking of Ships (The Times, 04/02/1938) 218. Death From the Air (The Times, 04/02/1938) 219. Pirates' Lair (Daily Herald, 06/02/1938) 220. Strength to Act (Daily Mail, 05/02/1938) 221. The Bomber and Spain (Manchester Guardian, 06/02/1938) 222. How Things Are Shaping Today In Republican Spain (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 06/02/1938) 223. Opinion-Tension (Daily Express, 07/02/1938) 224. Mr. Eden and the Pirates (The Observer, 06/02/1938) 225. Bombing and Piracy (Reynolds News, 08/02/1938) 226. War on Piracy (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 07/02/1938) 227. His Was No Pipe Of Peace (News Chronicle, 08/02/1938) 228. Stiffening Up (News Chronicle, 08/02/1938) 229. Protest By Action (Manchester Guardian, 08/02/1938) 230. A Warning to General Franco (The Times, 08/02/1938) 231. What An Air Raid Is Like (News Chronicle, 09/02/1938) 232. Teruel Again (The Times, 09/02/1938) 233. Spain From Both Sides-Ideals and Practice (The Times, 10/02/1938) 234. The Road to Teruel (Manchester Guardian, 12/02/1938) 235. Italy Waiting for What Turns Up (The Sunday Times, 13/02/1938) 236. Use of the Bomber (Manchester Guardian, 14/02/1938) 237. Can Franco Force a Decision in Aragon? (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 14/02/1938) 238. Franco Regrets (News Chronicle, 17/02/1938) 239. A Miner's Wife Beloved By Millions (Daily Worker, 18/02/1938) 240. Peace with Italy? (News Chronicle, 19/02/1938) 241. Lessons of the War in Spain-Increasing Power of Defence (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 19/02/1938) 242. Power Politics (Daily Mail, 19/02/1938) 243. Now Let the People Decide (Daily Herald, 21/02/1938) 244. Bravo Mr.Eden (News Chronicle, 21/02/1938) 245. Opinion-Eden's Day (Daily Express, 21/02/1938) 246. Mr. Eden Is Right (News Chronicle, 22/02/1938) 247. Man In Street Says Stand Up To The Fascists (Daily Worker, 22/02/1938) 248. The Real Division (Daily Herald, 22/02/1938) 249. Opinion-The Issue (Daily Express, 22/02/1938) 250. The Pursuit of Peace (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 22/02/1938) 251. Mr. Eden's Statement (The Times, 22/02/1938) 252. Fate Of Britain At Stake (Daily Worker, 23/02/1938) 253. Dissolve Parliament! (Daily Worker, 23/02/1938) 254. British Ships Are Sunk (Daily Worker, 23/02/1938) 255. John Strachey Looks At The Crisis (Daily Worker, 23/02/1938) 256. Premier's Policy (Daily Herald, 23/02/1938) 257. They Are Hiding the Truth (Daily Herald, 23/02/1938) 258. History Repeats Itself (News Chronicle, 23/02/1938) 259. The End Is Not Yet (News Chronicle, 23/02/1938) 260. The Fight Begins (News Chronicle, 23/02/1938) 261. Opinion-The League Is Dead (Daily Express, 23/02/1938) 262. Common Sense (Daily Mail, 23/02/1938) 263. The Premier's Case (Manchester Guardian, 23/02/1938) 264. Shaken Faith (Manchester Guardian, 23/02/1938) 265. Teruel Falls (Manchester Guardian, 23/02/1938) 266. The House Supports Mr. Chamberlain (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 23/02/1938) 267. A Sense of Proportion (The Times, 23/02/1938) 268. They Shall Not Pass (Daily Worker, 24/02/1938) 269. Eden's Successor X-Rayed (Daily Worker, 24/02/1938) 270. Key to The Crisis Lies in Spain (Daily Worker, 24/02/1938) 271. A Realist Policy (Daily Herald, 24/02/1938) 272. More Sealed Lips (Daily Herald, 24/02/1938) 273. Mysteries (News Chronicle, 24/02/1938) 274. Opinion- War At Any Price (Daily Express, 24/02/1938) 275. Confidence (Daily Mail, 24/02/1938) 276. A Contact That Has Gone With Mr.Eden's Departure (Manchester Guardian, 24/02/1938) 277. Selection (Manchester Guardian, 24/02/1938) 278. After the Storm (Manchester Guardian, 24/02/1938) 279. After The Debate (Manchester Guardian, 24/02/1938) 280. Britain's Policy of Peace (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 24/02/1938) 281. No More War (Daily Herald, 25/02/1938) 282. Turning Point In History (News Chronicle, 25/02/1938) 283. Keeping Watch (Manchester Guardian, 25/02/1938) 284. Now Why Did They Say We Were Wrong? (Daily Express, 25/02/1938) 285. Opinion-Winston Churchill (Daily Express, 25/02/1938) 286. Teruel Retaken (The Times, 25/02/1938) 287. Peace For The World (Daily Herald, 26/02/1938) 288. That Threat (News Chronicle, 26/02/1938) 289. Opinion-Winston Churchill (Daily Express, 26/02/1938) 290. Things Are Moving (Daily Mail, 26/02/1938) 291. The New Policy (Manchester Guardian, 26/02/1938) 292. Mr. Eden's Speech (Manchester Guardian, 26/02/1938) 293. Mr. Eden's Defence (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 26/02/1938) 294. The New Foreign Secretary (The Times, 26/02/1938) 295. Opinion-The Great Protest (Daily Express, 28/02/1938) 296. Britain's Answer (Daily Herald, 28/02/1938) 297. Public Aroused (News Chronicle, 28/02/1938) 298. Censorship (News Chronicle, 28/02/1938) 299. Reverberations (Manchester Guardian, 28/02/1938) 300. Wise Restraint (The Times, 28/02/1938) 301. Spain's New Army (Daily Worker, 01/03/1938) 302. Storm Over Eden (News Chronicle, 01/03/1938) 303. No Interest (News Chronicle, 01/03/1938) 304. Wasting Time (Daily Mail, 01/03/1938) 305. Proscription for Peers (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 01/03/1938) 306. The Fascist Alliance (Daily Worker, 02/03/1938) 307. To Desire Peace is Not Enough (Daily Herald, 02/03/1938) 308. In Passing (Daily Express, 02/03/1938) 309. Arms and Policy (Daily Herald, 03/03/1938) 310. Don't Forget (News Chronicle, 05/03/1938) 311. Hitler Aims At Pact and Mussolini Needs Credits (News Chronicle, 05/03/1938) 312. Direct Action (Daily Mail, 05/03/1938) 313. Republicans Wait For Planes To Aid Advance (Daily Worker, 07/03/1938) 314. What Sort of Pact? (Daily Herald, 07/03/1938) 315. Opinion-Two Spanish Armadas (Daily Express, 07/03/1938) 316. Mr. Chamberlain means Peace for the British People (Daily Express, 10/03/1938) 317. The Only Way to Real Peace (News Chronicle, 11/03/1938) 318. British People Must Act (Daily Worker, 12/03/1938) 319. Catalonia faces Ruin (The Times, 12/03/1938) 320. No Further Obligation: Keep Clear and Arm (Daily Mail, 14/03/1938) 321. Barcelona (Daily Express, 16/03/1938) 322. Now Spain (Daily Express, 17/03/1938) 323. Save Spain-Save Britain (Daily Worker, 17/03/1938) 324. Spain in London (Daily Herald, 18/03/1938) 325. Hound the Pro-Fascist Criminals From Office (Daily Worker, 18/03/1938) 326. European Outlook-Infinitely Less Dangerous Than a Year Ago (Manchester Guardian, 18/03/1938) 327. Telegramas recibidos en la Embajada Española en Londres (21/03/1938). Movimientos del ejército de Franco 328. Now or Never for a Peace Government (Daily Worker, 21/03/1938) 329. Spain is The Key (Daily Worker, 22/03/1938) 330. Unrepentant Traitors (Daily Worker, 24/03/1938) 331. Spain Irrelevant (News Chronicle, 24/03/1938) 332. General Franco's Advance (The Times, 28/03/1938) 333. Mr. Chamberlain spent the Week-end here and why (Daily Express, 28/03/1938) 334. In Franco's Path (News Chronicle, 28/03/1938) 335. Opinion-Truce (Daily Express, 29/03/1938) 336. A Mother Has Fallen By The Roadside... (Daily Herald, 30/03/1938) 337. Stifled (Daily Herald, 30/03/1938) 338. Making Faces (News Chronicle, 31/03/1938)
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