Artículos de 01/07/1938 a 30/12/1938
1938-07-01 - 1938-12-30
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica
Representaciones diplomáticas en el exterior
Embajada de España en Londres (Reino Unido)
Actitud de la prensa
Embajada de España en Londres (Reino Unido)
Contiene artículos de la prensa británica sobre el desarrollo de la Guerra Civil Española entre los meses de julio y diciembre de 1938:
1. Republic Looking To Britain (Daily Worker, 01/07/1938)
2. British Battalion Still With Spain's Army (Daily Worker, 01/07/1938)
3. Franco Seeking British Aid In New Blockade (Daily Worker, 04/07/1938)
4. Angel of Peace-Or Public Enemy No.1? (Daily Worker, 04/07/1938)
5. Bloodthirsty Pacifists (Daily Mail, 04/07/1938)
6. Reasons for the Success of the Spanish Rebels (Manchester Guardian, 09/07/1938)
7. Blockade Against a People (Daily Worker, 09/07/1938)
8. Duce Will Not Get Out Of Spain (Reynolds News, 10/07/1938)
9. Justice in Republican Spain (Daily Worker, 11/07/1938)
10. The Massacre at Castellon (News Chronicle, 18/07/1938)
11. War In The Air-A Forecast (News Chronicle, 14/07/1938)
12. Spain Fights for Victory (Daily Worker, 16/07/1938)
13. They Mean War (Daily Worker, 16/07/1938)
14. First Foreign Volunteers in Spain (Manchester Guardian, 16/07/1938)
15. Two Years of War-Tortured Spain (The Times, 16/07/1938). En dos páginas: ..parlous. There is a large army..
16. The World: Week by Week. Foreign Evacuation from Spain (The Observer, 17/07/1938)
17. Europe's Fate Lies In Spain (Reynolds News, 17/07/1938)
18. Save Spain! (Reynolds News, 17/07/1938)
19. Two Years of War in Spain (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 18/07/1938)
20. The 3rd Year in Spain (Daily Mail, 18/07/1938)
21. Spain Two Years of War-The Story of the Fight for Freedom (News Chronicle, 18/07/1938)
22. After Two Years (News Chronicle, 18/07/1938)
23. Two Years of War (Daily Herald, 18/07/1938)
24. No Disguise? (Daily Worker, 18/07/1938)
25. To Premier Negrin (Daily Worker, 18/07/1938)
26. Two Fateful Visits (Sunday Express, 24/07/1938)
27. Session Ends in Perplexity... (Reynolds News, 24/07/1938)
28. Franco Can Never Conquer Spain (Reynolds News, 24/07/1938)
29. No Pasaran at Gandesa (Daily Worker, 25/07/1938)
30. Spain's Defiance of Marauding Foreigners (Daily Worker, 27/07/1938)
31. The Two Years' Heroic Struggle of the Spanish People (Daily Worker, 28/07/1938)
32. 20,000 New Italians in Rebel Push (Daily Herald, 02/08/1938)
33. Republicans Still Pushing Forward In Ebro Battle (Daily Worker, 02/08/1938)
34. The War In Spain (Daily Herald, 03/08/1938)
35. Lessons of the Ebro (Daily Worker, 04/08/1938)
36. News from Spain (Manchester Guardian, 09/08/1938)
37. Franco's Blockade Has Failed (News Chronicle, 09/08/1938)
38. A Delayed Reply (Yorkshire Post, 09/08/1938)
39. France's Search for An Understanding With Italy (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 10/08/1938)
40. Sea of Fate (Daily Herald, 10/08/1938)
41. Time To Attack (Daily Worker, 11/08/1938)
42. Air Pirates of Majorca (Daily Worker, 16/08/1938)
43. Imparcial Friend Of Franco (Daily Worker, 16/08/1938)
44. The Spanish War (Manchester Guardian, 30/08/1938)
45. Is Air Power Decisive in War? (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 01/09/1938)
46. In Spain (Daily Herald, 01/09/1938)
47. Ring Round Madrid-The University Fortress (The Times, 02/09/1938)
48. Decency (Daily Herald, 03/09/1938)
49. Spain Asks: How Long Are We To Fight Alone? (Daily Worker, 06/09/1938)
50. The Real Britain Is On The Ebro (Daily Worker, 07/09/1938)
51. We Cannot Be Deaf To Spain's Appeal (Daily Worker, 08/09/1938)
52. We Must Not Forget Spain (Reynolds News, 11/09/1938)
53. How Ebro Battle Is Frustrating General Franco's Hopes (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 21/09/1938)
54. Spain and the Crisis-Can The Rivals Unite? (The Times, 24/09/1938)
55. Spain (Manchester Guardian, 23/09/1938)
56. Spain and the Crisis (The Times, 04/10/1938)
57. Which Policy? (Daily Herald, 05/10/1938)
58. The Defence of Spain is The Defence of Britain (Daily Worker, 15/10/1938)
59. Our Woman Reporter For Spain (Daily Worker, 17/10/1938)
60. Colonies, Arms and Spain (News Chronicle, 17/10/1938)
61. Amazig Details Of Plot With Mussolini (Sunday Referee, 16/10/1938). En dos páginas: ...the assurance that these are their last demands.
62. Italians in Spain (News Chronicle, 20/10/1938)
63. Stalemate In Spain-The Obstacles to Peace (The Times, 21/10/1938)
64. Assize of Arms-Peace through Strenght (The Observer, 23/10/1938)
65. Spain (Daily Worker, 28/10/1938)
66. Anglo-Italian Friendship (The Observer, 30/10/1938)
67. Spain (News Chronicle, 02/11/1938)
68. Sacrifice of Spain (Manchester Guardian, 03/11/1938)
69. Our Policy (Sunday Referee, 06/11/1938)
70. A Coming Danger? (Manchester Guardian, 19/11/1938)
71. Back from Spain (Daily Herald, 21/11/1938)
72. General Franco's Alternative Objectives Now In Spain (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 23/11/1938)
73. In Old Madrid (Daily Herald, 23/11/1938)
74. Mr. Chamberlain has gone abroad once again (Daily Express, 24/11/1938)
75. After The Ebro Fight-A Long and Hard War (The Times, 30/11/1938)
76. Spain and Italy (Yorkshire Post, 01/12/1938)
77. Appeasement (Reynolds News, 04/12/1938)
78. Why not Boast about Democracy? (Daily Herald, 06/12/1938)
79. Mr. Chamberlain's Speech (The Times, 14/12/1938)
80. Germans Boycott the Premier's Speech (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 14/12/1938). En dos páginas: ...Next Month Lord Halifax and I have planned...
81. French View of Premier's Speech (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 14/12/1938)
82. What I Saw in Barcelona (News Chronicle, 22/12/1938)
83. Divided Spain-The Prospect of Reunion (Manchester Guardian, 28/12/1938)
84. The Spanish Prospect (Manchester Guardian, 28/12/1938)
85. The Meaning of Franco's Latest Push (News Chronicle, 30/12/1938)
86. Let The Spaniards Make Peace, Lest Spain Lose All (The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 30/12/1938)
87. Franco's Advance (Yorkshire Post, 30/12/1938)
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