Correspondencia dirigida al capitán general de Cuba, José de Ezpeleta
1785 - 1789
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Legajo 1395. 1785-1789. Correspondencia con el gobernador de la Florida, D. Manuel Céspedes. Id. Con el gobernador de la Luisiana, Sr. Miró. (Ezpeleta 4; Capitanes Generales 347.) B, 32 cm., 561 documents. The extreme dates of the legajo are nov. 30, 1785, and may 28, 1789. The letters are arranged fairly well in chronological order. The greater part is letters of Zéspedes. The legajo contains the following series of correspondence: 1785, Nº 30-1786, feb. 1. Manuel de Zéspedes, governor of Florida, to Bernardo Troncoso, captain general of Cuba. 1786, feb. 20-1789, may 28. Vicente Manuel de Zéspedes to José de Ezpeleta, captain general of Cuba. There are the following num bered series; 1786, may 24-1787, nov. 7, reservada nos. 1, 2, 19-24; 1787, july 24-nov. 14, nos. 201-216; 1787, nov. 20-1788, oct. 18, reservada nos. 1, 2, 4-16, 1787, nov. 24-1788, nov. 5, nos. 1-39; 1788, dec. 2-1789, may 28, nos. 1-73; 1789, jan. 14, apr. 3, reservada nos. 1-2; remainder unnumbered. 1786, sept. 8-nov. 20. Esteban Miró, governor of Luisiana, to José de Ezpeleta (few). The above letters are accompanied by drafts of Ezpeleta, part of which are answers to the letters accompanied, and the remainder are answered by the letters. Subjects treated: 1786, Indian a affairs, gifts; creeks declare war on Georgia; military convicts; finances; military matters of San Agustín, munitions of war, reports on and movements of troops; 1787, boundary of Florida and Georgia; war of the indians against Georgia; McGillivray; protection for english inhabitants in Florida; declaration of Tomás Powell regarding attempts against Florida; memorial of David Carroll Franks, requesting permission to bring in sixty irish families; military matters; 1788, McGillivray; relations of the United States and the indians; war of Georgia and the indians; indian trade of Panton and Company; designs of England; O¿Fallon; military matters, lists of troops; attempted english settlement on Indian River; machinations of Lord Dunmore; repairs on the fort at San Agustín; Bowles; 1789, fugitive slaves from the United States; finances, situado; Bowles, declarations of deserters from his party, disposition made of these deserters; and military matters. Listed
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