Correspondencia reservada del capitán general de Cuba, Luis de las Casas
1790 - 1796
1790 - 1796
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Archivo General de Indias
Papeles de Cuba
Correspondencia reservada del capitán general de Cuba, Luis de las Casas con el gobernador de la Florida, Juan Nepomuceno de Quesada.
Legajo 1439. [1784, 1785, 1789, 1790-1796]. Correspondencia con el gobernador de las Floridas. Id. Reservada del gobernador de la Luisiana Sr. Miró. Id. id. del intendente de la Florida Sr. Morales. Id. del gobernador de id. Sr.Quesada. Tratado, planos e instrucciones de límites de la Luisiana y Floridas y reglamento de la última. Plan de operaciones de San Agustín en las Floridas. Comision del coronel D. Sebastian Kindelan con los estados de Georgia. (Casas 6; Capitanes Generales 391.) B, 31 cm., 572 documents. The documents are scattered through the years 1784, 1785, 1789-1796. They are arranged in the order given below. Some of the letters are accompanied by drafts of replies. The legajo consists of the following series of documents:
(a) 1795, aug. 1-1796, mar. 7. Juan Nepomuceno de Quesada, governor of Florida, to Luis de las Casas, captain general of Cuba, nos. 717-752, 754 -787, 789-803, 805-823. See legajos 1436-1438. Subjects: 1795, designs of the french in the United States on Florida; indian affairs; restoration of Isla Amalia; capture of the batería de San Nicolás; commission of Kindelán; expedition of general Clarke into Florida; situado; 1796, situado; Jorge Biasou. Many deal with routine matters. (b) 1796, mar. 7-may 27. Bartolomé Morales, acting governor of Florida, to Luis de las Casas, nos. 1-28. Subjects: Relations of the United States and the indians; Jorge Biasou. Many deal with routine matters. (c) 1796, july 4-nov. 19. Enrique White, governor of Florida, to Luis de las Casas, nos. 1-21, 23-39. Subjects: Medals for indians; fugitive slaves from Georgia. Most treat of routine matters. (d) 1794, nov. 28-1796, may 31. José de Ortega, auditor de guerra, San Agustín, to Luis de las Casas. (e) 1795. Comision de Kindelán. A few letters of Sebastián Kindelán to Luis de las Casas, and translations of letters of various officials of Georgia, all relating to the investigation made by Kindelán of affairs on the Florida Georgia boundary. (f) 1793, aug. 21-1794, oct. 24. Comisión de Folch en la bahía de Tampa. Instructions to Vicente Folch and a few of his letters to Luis de las Casas, regarding a voyage of inspection to bahía de Tampa. (g) 1791, july 2. Carlos Howard to Luis de las Casas. Defense of San Agustín. (h) 1784-1785. A few documents regarding demarcation of boundary of Louisiana and the United States; 1789, budget for San Agustín; 1790, treaty between the United States and the creeks; treaty between Spain and the talapuches; 1791, plan of Nogales; 1796, situado of Florida. (i) 1790, nov. 2. Juan Nepomuceno de Quesada to Luis de las Casas, nº 56. Artillery of Florida. (j) 1795, may 7-july 5. Bartolomé Morales to Luis de las Casas, reservada nos. 1-4. Project of the french and americans against Florida; petition for governorship. (k) 1790, july 30-1795, dec. 15. Juan Nepomuceno de Quesada to Luis de las Casas, reservada nos. 1-24. Subjects: 1792, threatened war between the United States and indians; threatened hostilities of indians against Florida; threatened revolt of new settlers; 1793, relations with the americans on the frontier. Listed