Correspondencia dirigida al Capitán General de Cuba


Titulo Nombre Atribuido:

Correspondencia dirigida al Capitán General de Cuba



Fecha Formación:

1796  -  1799

Otras Fechas:

1796  -  1799

Nivel de Descripción:

Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación

Código de Referencia:


Situación en el cuadro de clasificación del archivo


Historia Archivística:

Contenido y Estructura

Alcance y Contenido:

Correspondencia dirigida al Capitán General de Cuba, Conde de Santa Clara. 1797-1798
Correspondencia de los gobernadores de Florida y Luisiana con el Conde de Santa Clara. 1796-1799.
Legajo 1500. 1797, 1799, [1798]. Correspondencia con el Gobernador de Cuba. Id. con el id. de las Floridas. (Santa Clara 2; Capitanes Generales 562.) B, 33 cm., 600 documents. The two groups are present, the first of which has nothing relating to the United States. The letters of group two cover all the months of 1797, and are arranged in order by months, the letters of each governor being together within the months. Most of the legajo is of letters of Carondelet and Gayoso de Lemos. The United States material consists of the following series of correspondence, directed to the captains general of Cuba: 1797, jan. 1. Barón de Carondelet, governor of Luisiana, to Luis de las Casas, nos. 972, 973. See legajos 1441-1444. 1797, jan. 4-dec. 8. Enrique White, governor of Florida Oriental, to conde de Santa Clara (few), and nº 87 (aug. 7, 1798). See legajo 1501. 1797, jan. 21-aug. 5. Barón de Carondelet to conde de Santa Clara, nos. 1-3, 21-25, 27-37, 39-43. Cf. legajo 153-2. 1797, jan. 25. Diego de Vegas, commandant of San Marcos, to Luis de las Casas, nº 2. 1797, july 7- oct. 19. Vicente Folch, commandant of Panzacola, to conde de Santa Clara (few). 1797, aug. 5-dec. 19. Manuel Gayoso de Lemos, governor of Luisiana, to conde de Santa Clara, nos. 1-18, 23-75, 77-81. Series continued in legajos 1501, 1502; see legajo 2354; cf. legajos 151-2, 153-2, 154-1. Most of the above are accompanied by the drafts of the replies, and for most of the months there are a number of other drafts of the captain general to the governors of Luisiana and Florida. Subjects treated by Carondelet: Situado; corsairs on the golfo of México; rumored invasion of upper Luisiana by the english from Canadá. Many of the letters treat of discharged soldiers. By Gayoso de Lemos: Adjustment of difficulties in the execution of the treaty of limits with the United States; evacuation of Nogales and Natchez; measures to restrain the american advance; affairs at Natchez; situado. Many of the letters transmit military reports and petitions, and acknowledge the receipt of royal orders. By White: Defense of the province; need of ammunition. Most of the letters treat of convicts and discharged soldiers, and transmit military reports. The extra drafts of the captain general transmit reales órdenes and reales despachos. Listed

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Índices de Descripción:

Bassecourt, Juan Procopio de (1740-1820)

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Soporte y Volumen

1 Legajo(s) .