Correspondencia dirigida al Marqués de Someruelos


Titulo Nombre Atribuido:

Correspondencia dirigida al Marqués de Someruelos



Fecha Formación:

1799  -  1809

Otras Fechas:

1799  -  1809

Nivel de Descripción:

Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación

Código de Referencia:


Situación en el cuadro de clasificación del archivo


Historia Archivística:

Contenido y Estructura

Alcance y Contenido:

- Correspondencia dirigida al Marqués de Someruelos por las autoridades y ciudadanos franceses en Santo Domingo.
- Los ciudadanos Minuty y Castet, enviados entraordinarios del Capitán General Interino de Santo Domingo.

Legajo 1708. 1799-1812. Correspondencia con el Ministro plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos. (Someruelos 174; Capitanes Generales 660.) B, 40 cm., 613 documents. The letters cover the period from Apr., 1799, to Mar., 1812. They are arranged in chronological order. About one-half of the legajo is letters of Onis of 1810-1811. Many of the letters are in duplicate. The legajo consists of letters to the captains general of Cuba, as follows:

To Conde de Santa Clara, from:
1799, Apr. 6-May 29. Carlos Martinez de Irujo, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Spain to the United States (few).

To Marqués de Someruelos, from:
1799, Oct. 19-1807, Dec. 31. Carlos Martinez de Irujo (after Jan., 1803, Marqués de Casa Irujo).
1802, Aug. 6-1809, Aug. 28. Valentin Foronda, consul general and chargé des affaires of Spain in the United States.
1802, May 9. Felipe Fatio, consul of Spain in the United States.
1809, May 21-Sept. 25. Foronda and Viar (few).
1809, June 20. Josef Ignacio de Viar (few).
1809, Oct. 12-1812, Mar. 22. Luis de Onis, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Spain to the United States.

Some of the above letters are accompanied by drafts of replies, and there are some other drafts of the captain general to the above officials.
Subjects treated by Martinez de Irujo: 1800, appointment of an American consul at Havana; project of Governor Blount for a new expedition against Louisiana; 1801, French prisoners in Havana; 1802, Bowles; 1803, attitude of Americans because of the suspension of the right of deposit at New Orleans; transfer of Louisiana; 1804, pretensions of United States to West Florida; 1805, necessity of strengthening the defenses of Florida; 1806, projects of Aaron Burr. By Foronda: 1809, sums due the College of Saint Sulpice at Baltimore for tuition of Cuban pupils. By Onis: 1809, adjustment of the Florida boundary with the United States; critical situation of the relations with the United States; refusal of the United States to admit him as minister on account of the conditions in Spain; 1810, agents of Joseph Bonaparte in the United States; Napoleon's projects for revolutionizing Spanish America; revolt at Baton Rouge; plans of the United States to seize Florida; 1811, plan of the United States to form a state of the territory of Orleans, including as far as the Perdido River; rumor that Folch had surrendered the territory from Baton Rouge to Mobile, to the United States; movements of the American troops on the Florida frontier; French plans for revolutionizing Spanish America.

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Soporte y Volumen

1 Legajo(s) .