Correspondencia dirigida al Capitán General de Cuba
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Archivo General de Indias
Papeles de Cuba
Correspondencia dirigida al Capitán General de Cuba, D. Juan Ruiz de Apodaca por el Gobernador de Florida.
Legajo 1791. 1814-1815. Correspondencia con los gobernadores de las Floridas. (Apodaca 7; Capitanes Generales 743.) B, 39.5 cm., 846 documents. The letters cover all the months of the years 1814-1815. They are arranged in order. The legajo consists of letters to Juan Ruiz de Apodaca, captain general of Cuba, from: 1814, jan. 6-1815, june 3. Sebastián Kindelán, governor of Florida, nos. 395-460, 462, 463, 465, 469-528, 530, 532-561, 563-568, 570-608, 610-636, 638-672. Missing nos. in legajos 1792, 1856, 1874; see legajos 1789, 1790; also indexes of nos. 395-560 in legajo 1809. 1815, june 3-dec. 29. Juan José Estrada, acting governor of Florida, nos. 673-697, 699-719, 721, 723, 725-755, 757-761, and nº 692 repeated. Series continued in legajo 1792; cf. legajo 1867. Some of the above letters are accompanied by drafts of replies. Subjects treated by Kindelán: 1814,' Embargo Act' in the United States; designs of the United States on Florida; assembling of american troops on the frontier; impossibility of expelling the Georgia bandits from indian territory; United States expedition against the indians; supplies; prence of english war vessels off Saint Mary¿s River, for the purpose of inciting negroes of the United States to insurrection; relations of the english with the indians of Florida; census; 1815, dissolution of the constitutional town councils; activities of the english on Saint Mary¿s River; fugitive slaves, correspondence with the english rear-admiral Cockburn regarding them; situado of 1810-1814. By Estrada: 1815, church at Fernandina; relations with Georgia; fortifications at Isla Amalia; finances; need of supplies and funds. Many letters of both governors transmit military reports and acknowledge receipt of royal orders. Listed