Correspondencia de oficio del Gobernador de Florida
1812 - 1816
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Archivo General de Indias
Papeles de Cuba
Correspondencia de oficio del Gobernador de Florida con el Ministerio de Guerra y el de Indias, e índices de correspondencia.
Legajo 1856. 1812-1816. Correspondencia de las Floridas con el Ministerio de la Guerra. Id. de id. con id. sobre asuntos politicos. Oficios y papeles de resolución. (Apodaca 72; Capitanes Generales 808.) B, 25 cm., 623 documents. The letters cover the months from apr., 1812, to june, 1816. They are arranged in order in each of the groups, which are in the order given below. The legajo contains:
(a) Drafts of Juan Ruiz de Apodaca, as captain general of the Floridas, to: 1812, apr. 15-1814, nov. 5. Minister of War, nos. 1-381. 1815, mar. 9-dec. 16. Minister of Indies, nos. 1-3, 5-11, 13-66. 1815, dec. 30-1816, june 26. Minister of War, nos. 1-62. 1815, apr. 24-dec. 15. Minister of Indies, nos. 1-17 (político). (b) Letters to Apodaca from Sebastián Kindelán, governor of Florida, nos. 464 (mar. 15, 1814), 562 (sept. 23, 1814), 609 (feb. 11, 1815, see legajo 1791) ; and José de Soto, commandant of Panzacola, nº 556 (sept. 23, 1815, see legajo 1796). Subjects treated: 1812, capture of Isla Amalia by the insurgents; supplies for the Floridas; withdrawal of the american forces from before San Agustín; need of re-enforcements in the Floridas; hostile preparations of the United States; 1813, occupation of Mobila by the United States; evacuation of Isla Amalia by the americans; destruction of the american works at río Perdido; relations of the United States and the indians; question of the evacuation of Florida Occidental; funds for Panzacola; 1814, United States troops on Florida Oriental frontier; designs of the United States; arms and ammunition distributed to the indians by the english; expedition of the english against Mobila; 1815, operations of the english at Apalachicola; relations of the americans and the creeks; demand that english off the coast of Florida Oriental return fugitive slaves; fortification of Isla Amalia; Georgia bandits in Florida; 1816, rumor of the surrender of the Floridas to England being spread among the indians; supplies and funds for Floridas; the rebel Toledo. Listed