Correspondencia y documentación oficial del gobernador de Luisiana.
1790 - 1797
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
Correspondencia y documentación oficial del gobernador de Luisiana, Esteban de Miró. Idem. del barón de Carondelet. Idem. del comandante de Natchez, Gayoso de Lemos. Legajo 2362. 1790-1792. Luisiana española. Miscelánea. A, 6.5 cm., 167 documents. The documents cover the three years indicated, and are arranged in chronological order. The legajo contains the following letters: 1790, Simon Fabre, nacion chacta, to Esteban Miró; Manuel Gayoso de Lemos, Natchez, to Esteban Miró; Alejandro McGillivray, Pequeño Talassie, to Esteban Miró; Esteban Miró, Nueva Orleans, to Carlos de Grand Pré (borradores); Esteban Miró, Nueva Orleans, to James Wilkinson (drafts); Felipe Nolan, Nueva Orleans, to Esteban Miró; James O'Fallon, Louisville, to Miró; James Wilkinson, Louisville, to Miró; 1790-1791, Esteban Miró, Nueva Orleans, to Manuel Gayoso de Lemos; 1791, Luis de Blanc, Natchitoches, to Esteban Miró Luis de las Casas, Habana, to Arturo O'Neill; Pedro Foucher, Nuevo Madrid, to Esteban Miró; Manuel Pérez, San Luis, to Esteban Miró; 1792, Guillermo Augusto Bowles to commandant of San Marcos (copies); Barón de Carondelet, Nueva Orleans, to conde de Aranda, reservada nº 1 (borrador; ver legajo 177); barón de Carondelet to Luis de las Casas, nº 136 (copia); barón de Carondelet to Conde de Floridablanca, reservada nº 2 (draft; see legajo 177); barón de Carondelet to Pedro Olivier (draft); barón de Carondelet to Enrique White (borrador) ; Luis de las Casas, Habana, to barón de Carondelet; Vicente Folch, Mobila, to Carondelet, nº 24; José de Hevia, San Marcos, to W. A. Bowles; Pedro Olivier, Pequeño Talassie, to Carondelet; Arturo O'Neill, Panzacola, to Carondelet; B. Tardiveau, Kaskaskia, to Carondelet, Juan Delavillebeuvre, Boukfouka, to Manuel Gayoso de Lemos. Subjects treated in the letters: 1790, relations with the indians; Wilkinson; plan of the United States to form states on the Mississippi; relations of the United States and the Indians; South Carolina Yazoo company; O'Fallon's projects; 1791, commerce of Panton and company; prohibition of the establishment of the Yazoo company; indian affairs, war against the osages; Bowles; 1792, Bowles; movements of the american troops; efforts to prohibit the conclusion of the treaty between the United States and the talapuches; indian affairs; condition of the french in the United States. Documents other than letters: 1790(?), petition of the ladies of San Luis asking that the english be prohibited from trading on the río Missouri; instructions for the establishment of the post at Barrancas de Margot, given to Pedro Rousseau; 1790, copies of the treaty between the creeks and the United States; oaths of allegiance taken at Natchez; 1791 (?), articulos para el establecimiento de una compañia de comercio del Mississippi y Mobila 1 (borrador) ; 1791, inventories of fuerte Celeste at Nuevo Madrid; census of Chetimachas and Manchak; 1792 (?), information on the privileges conceded to Kentucky in respect to commerce and navigation; 1792, instructions to the commandant of Tombecbé; copy of the treaty of Natchez between the spaniards and the chickasaws; treaty between McGillivray and Carondelet; instructions to Pedro Vial; diario de Pedro Vial de la expedición de Santa Fe a San Luis; commissions to militia officers at Nuevo Madrid. Some of these documents have been copied for Houck, and appear in his Spanish Régimne in Missouri. Listed. 1 Cf. legajo 2355
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