Documentación varia
1787 - 1795
Fracción de Serie-Unidad de Instalación
1793, Indian affairs; establishment of the post at Barrancas de Margot; Protestant marriages; Medad Mitchell; transfer of families from Gallipolis to New Madrid; settlements at New Madrid and St. Genevieve; relations of the United States and the Indians; expedition against the Osages; 1794, expedition against Louisiana projected by the French in the United States; Upper Missouri Trading Company; peace with the Osages, establishment of a post in this nation; relations of the United States and Spain with the Indians. Documents other than letters: 1793, diary of Pedro Rousseau during voyage from Natchez to New Madrid; permission granted to Louis Lorimier to carry on Indian trade; Registro indice, confirmando concesiones de tierra en el Distrito de Natchez, by Carondelet (draft) ; commissions to militia officers; regulations for trading on the Missouri River (French) ; oaths of allegiance taken at Nuevo Madrid (many), Natchez, and Cabahannocer:
memorials of Juan Meunier requesting monopoly of trade among the Poncas; copies of the treaty of Nogales of Spain with the Chickasaws, Creeks, Alibamones, Cherokees, and Choctaws; copy of the treaty of Boukfouka of Spain with the Choctaws and Chickasaws; copy-book of letters to Louis Lorimier (1787-1793) ; Journal á L. Lorimier, Cap Girardeau (1793-1794); 1794, copy of a proposition to form an American settlement west of the Mississippi and north of the Missouri; commissions to militia officers of Upper Louisiana; Mémoire politique pour servir á la suite de notre plan de population des Illinois (St. Louis, Apr. 24) ; documents relating to the estab lishment of the Upper Missouri Trading Company (Clamorgan); instruc tions of Clamorgan to Truteau; plan of Fort Confederacion; letter-book of Louis Lorimier; copy-book of letters and instructions to Lorimier; census of Nuevo Madrid. Some of these documents have been copied for Hlouck, and appear in his Spanish Régime in Missouri. Listed
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